SO sick of the BS! (vent/rant)
Hi Leah...I'm not really sure that I know what site your referring to, but I think I might have a good idea. I attended a support group last night, and made a comment in support group that I was made to feel rather uncomfortable about because of the individuals on the "PANEL" that night. I guess I could have worded what I said a lil differently, but I didn't, and it's too late now, but I felt like an idiot and felt like I had to try to explain myself to everyone as I left that night that cared to listen. I actually shouldn't have to explain myself to anyone, and neither should are only trying to help, and I'm sorry that you've been made to feel the way you do!!! Stay where the positive people are, and the people are that love and care about you...I know there's many on here that don't go anywhere!!! It's OK to ask for prayers here too..that shouldn't be something you can't do...we are here for you, and if you need prayers there's plenty of us on here that can help you there, or whatever your needs might be!!! Take care, and here's a "HUGGGGG" for the road!!! ~~~Shari
There's another site? Just kidding, I only visit this one because I have lurked in another and did not like what I saw. Guess I was a peeping tom. Boy did I get my eyes full... If people don't want to hear any other opinions other than their own, they should not be posting on a forum. Just my opinion.
(This is NOT directed to Leah, just a general comment)
I pretty much just lurk everywhere these days, since there's too much personal stuff flying around in the way of the real issues I come to various site.
But it always causes a shake of the head to see folks gang up on each other just because of where they post. It's not US and THEM. It's all of us.
Post where you want, but, and I've said this in more than one place, there's no reason to make yourself feel better by driving others down.
Nope, I'm not defending any other site. I'm pretty much a non-entity anywhere these days.
Take care,
Eric C.
Well thank you guys. I guess I am a little bit moody recently. Have just had way too much on my plate lately. I come here daily even though I may not post. I like to be around people with the same interests, but I don't always need the extra pats on the back. I am staying put right here. And by the way, I need to get out of the house for a night, anyone up for coffee or tea or a cheap dinner?

Hi All,
I haven't had my surgery yet. I wanted to tell all of you "old timers" that you shouldn't go away. One of the things I found the most frustrating when I first started researching wls, was the lack of info on long-term patients. I can understand how you feel that you have "moved on", but your input is still very valuable. For every person that rejects your advice or experience, there is someone like me, who wants to read it.
Plus, don't forget that sometimes we need to stew over information that we don't like for awhile before we can accept the value of it. I think that is just human nature. No one really likes to hear that they need to "suck it up and do what is necessary". But we all need to hear it sometimes. Please don't get discouraged and don't go away. You are appreciated.
you rant all you want and hey stay away from people like that, sorry but i need to know what i am doing bad and trust me there are a few things...
shhh mums the all need all the support we can get cos its hard to give up bad habits, and to learn new ones...and to stay on track and my hat is off to those who can and do...