SO sick of the BS! (vent/rant)
I have literally had it with some of the people at the other site. I am so pissed off. I make a comment when someone was asking about something and wanted to know an if anyone had any experience with the particular subject. I basically got it thrown back in my face that the experience that I commented on was NOT going to happen to them. Well I have just about had it with those ****y, self centered SOBS! I don't need their CRAP! I try to help out and be a good person and it gets me absolutely NO WHERE. Why you ask? Those people are all just a bunch of over aged high school kids trying to relive their lives now that they are thin! Good God. I am tired of hearing of all their "sob" stories of how bad things are happening to them. They need to GET A LIFE! There is life after wls. I have one, probably the reason I am so intolerant to their stories. Well, I have had bad things happen to me too, but you don't see me telling everyone my sob stories and begging for prayers every other day. I am a strong person and don't need to be treated like crap when I am nice to them.
So sorry for the rant. I have just really had it with those stupid people!

Hi Leah! It has been a long time. Did you go to the Christmas party this year? I did not make it because I was closing on my house. I saw you and decided to send you a message. I have not been on in a while.
Keep living your life. Don't let the negative attitudes of others get you down--I don't. You are very right. There is a wonderful life awaiting after wls, and I am personally having a ball living mine.
Take Care,

Girl, you look awesome!!! I didn't make it to the party either. There are so many people that went that I wanted to see, but there were MORE people that went that I DIDN'T want to see, so I didn't go. I have found this whole other life after wls that I rarely think about wls anymore. Every now and then I do, and then things like today happen.
I guess I need to break my ties and go on with my new life. It isn't about the surgery or what we did before, it is how we are living it now. I have so much to look forward to.

To be honest, I feel much the same way. I have a life. I've changed myself (and am on guard to make sure the changes stick) and I'm moving onto a new phase.
The main reason I still lurk (in many places) is that I want to pass on help or guidance that I was given or lessons that I've learned. I've had a lot of success at WLS and if I can help someone out, then so be it.
The problem I've run into recently, in more than one site, is that people don't necessarily want to hear answers to their questions. They want affirmation of bad behaviors and the like. I've found my information to be of less value, so I've tried to fade into the background. Even here I've had some pretty bad epithets tossed around my philosophy.
Since there's been less and less value on what I have to share, I have moved back in my participation in various sites. Maybe it's time for other folks to move to the front. I wish them luck.
But I've met my goal, I'm maintaining like I want, I've met a terrific woman and I'm moving on in my life. If what I have to share isn't valued, then I'm not wasting my time. I'm ALWAYS willing to talk...but if people don't want to listen, I don't see the reason.
Take care,
Eric C.
You hit the nail on the head. I think these people just post to post. They really don't want an answer unless it is EXACTLY what they want to hear, which really is a waste of time to the person answering the question.
I am so happy for you with your new life and new lady!!
I kinda have faded into the background myself and honestly, I don't even feel like SG does a darn thing for me anymore. I get more from the people I work with and other friends that I don't seem to need the constant reassurance from the other people who have had wls. I have become comfortable with myself, as it looks like you have as well!
Anyway, I appreciate when you make comments. I am upset with people who are constantly patting themselves on their back and posting STUPID things. They annoy the HELL out of me. They need to find another hobby.
Anyway, congrats on your new lady!!

ooh i bet you hit the nail on the humans we can become very defensive to being told we are doing wrong...but with that being said, we have to know we are doing something wrong to begin with or why was it put out there? you quit lurkin and tell us some pointers you have learned..
i live in a house hold where there are now 2 all about me's....and granted ed is my husband and i would naturally only want the best for him, i feel that way about all of us...anyone who has had this surgery and it can be a struggle, i see ed has issues i did not have and i see he can eat his whole 2 oz and want more, and only 2 months out...chicken can still give me matter how moist it may be....sometimes my tummy does not like it....we love going out to eat and sharing a meal...its a soooo cheap
Thanks a lot. You are so right. I hardly think about wls anymore, but I do think about my weight ALL the time. I see people who have relapsed back to where they were prior to surgery and I am obsessed w/ that not happening to me! Well, I guess that is just a part of this new life----at least for me.