April Clothing Swap
Hi Melanie...sure bring the sweaters....it's still chilly in April. The only thing we ask is that the clothes be relatively stylish, no stains and in good condition.
And we say this because we get so many clothes, we can afford to be picky about the donations
The last exchange was great....and we only had about 12 bags of clothes left over...it's usually 30-50 bags of clothes left over
And since I am usually the one who has to haul them off afterwards-I must admit that was a good thing to only have 12 bags or so left over. And thanks to Ellen...she helped tote a few bags away too

Oh...All of my clothes are stained and holey...
Everything has been purchased within the last couple of years. Lots of Lane Bryant and Ayres in 22/24 and 3X. All of these things still fit. I get sick of clothes long before they wear out.
I plan on being there in April, so I will help you haul stuff away.

Like Deb said, we can afford to be picky.. if everyone brings good clean clothes then it is actually a SWAP.. WE ALL want to dress nice now that we are losers!!
Please folks seperate your donations between goodwill and exchange before the exchange..and drop the good will ones off before the exchange..
We are at goodwill so often that if we like it anyway we will by it from them..
The clothes I will be bringing I just picked up from the last exchange...some of them I have already shrunk out of..