Good morning everyone
I hope you all had a terrific weekend. We are busy trying to get everything ready for home as well as at work. So...tonight I get to clean out my fish tank. Poor babies need it. And that is AFTER we run to Best Buy (Bill decided we should buy a GPS to bring with us
..this being our THIRD trip out there!)...and that is AFTER I get off of work. So much to do, so little time.
Oh...does anyone know a tax accountant? Please email me any names/contact info you have. We thought we had one set up but she's gotten so busy that she can't even meet with us to get our stuff till April. We'd like to have our stuff sent in long before then. We need someone that is good with personal taxes...for people who have owned a small business (S-corp). Thanks in advance!!
Hope you all have a terrific Monday!

Good moring, I took a vacation day today, the kids were out of school so I went to see my family this weekend. I also went on the Aztar gambling boat, I took 100 buck and lost it all. The other two times I went I walked out with extra 100 bucks, suppose you can't win all the time. I have been doing pretty good with my weight, I am glad was getting a little upset with not losing for so long. I need to work on my body now. I am under 170 # I told someone at work and he said wow you must be heavy boned, I told him no ...... It is I need to work this off and get it tighter. I am sure he was trying to be nice. But come on heavy boned please. LOL. Well I have to apt. for the kids today so I better get going... All take care. Linda give it all you got you will fell better soon.