Weeee I'm Home!!
I ran out of the hospital at 10 this morning lol ok they actually wheeled me out. I'm feeling great!! I was so scared Thursday, I cried and cried and kept thinking what the heck am I doing?? My hubby and younger daughter was with me and kept reassuring me. Everything seemed to go so fast from the time I checked in at 6 till I woke in recovery at 1. Dr. Mimms is a wonderful person and said I was was a picture perfect patient
Yes, I did run a fever and my oxygen levels wasn't that great, but by the time I was up and walking around things leveled out. I didn't have to wear the drain home,Yipeee!!! I have always bruised so easily, I have bruises everywhere looks like someone used me as a punching bag lol. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers and well wishes, Deb thank you for the gift bag and the visit ( hope you win lots of money at Argossy) I enjoed the phone conversation Angie!
P.S. Everyone at the hospital couldnt believe I was havingthe surgery said I was to small pfftt said they were expecting someone larger.

SOOO Glad you are up and about!!! IF you start feeling tired remember it is normal and don't forget to take your vitamins... b's included!!
I will be in Danville for sure March 16 for a Dr appointment sooo maybe we can meet for a cup of tea at the Old Farm Resturant near the hospital or something??? Time flies when you are on sick leave..
Old Farm Restaurant is now something new....Golden something or other. Hey Tammy-glad to see you are home and all is well!!! I didn't loose at the Argosy
I was down to my last $4 (literally) and was going to play it out and go home early....but I hit for $1000....I grabbed my winnings and came home Sunday afterall

Hi Tammy,
I am sooo glad everything went well. Just remember to sip-walk- & don't worry about the brusing-it goes away after a while!! Welcome to the LOSING SIDE!!! 

Oh, remember~~~ the opinions of others are just that-"opinions". If you didn't need/qualify for the surgery, you wouldn't have had it;right? I know sometimes the "well meaning thoughts/opinions" of others can throw us- but we did it for our health & life,right?! Your family sounds wonderfully supportive.
Enjoy the "journey", & when it gets rough, let us support you.