Indiana surgeons
Hi. I have been reading this site for a while now and have posted once before. I love reading about everyones success and life stories. Congratulations to all of you!!! Hopefully I will have my success story posted some day. I have filled out a questionaire and went through a phone survey with a nurse from Deaconnes Hosp. in Evansville, IN. She called me back andtold me my insurance will cover at 90%--that sounds pretty good. Of course I realize that I still have to be approved on an individual level. Is that about what most insurances normally cover? (90%) She was with a program called Liv-Lite. I am kind of confused about this. Are all the surgeons from Evansville in this program? She talked like it would take 7-8 months before I would even be scheduled for surgery. I know there are a lot of tests and other things that have to be done, but that seems like a long time. If anyone is in this area of southern Indiana what was your experience with time from the time you contacted the surgeon? Thank you all so much for your help again.
Hi Shannon,
I am going thru the Liv-Lite program. I will have surgery Feb 28th. I started with the program Nov 1st. The time it takes from beginning to end depends on a few things. Your insurance requirements and going thru Liv-lites requirments. Some insurances require supervised diets, some up to 18 mos. Liv-Lites program that you go through is to make sure you know what to expect and to make sure you are in the best health to go thru surgery. Dr. Burry and his staff are wonderful!!
There are only 2 bariatric doctors in Evansville and they work together on the surgeries.
I hope that helps and email me if you like

Welcome Shannon, I also used Liv-Lite. My first phone call was in Jan 05, first office visit in Feb and surgery in June. The time line has a lot to do with insurance requirements. The minimum timeline is about 3 months since you have to see the dietician at least 3 times 4 weeks apart.
They are very thourough with teaching. All my pre-op info is in my profile, please read it and e-mail me if you have any questions.
Good luck on your journey!!!!!!!!!!!
I had surgery in Oct through St. Marys, Dr. Throop is awesome
!!!! The whole staff at St. Marys Bariatric Clinic is great (812-485-5858). You can go on St Marys web site ( and look at the clinic. I started with all of the paperwork and test in March and had surgery in Oct but I did have a little trouble getting in for a few of my appointments. Which was my fault becasue of work & daycare. Good Luck on all of your test and a quick surgery date!

Depends on the surgery schedule, your insurance requirements and your pre-surgery classes. I inquired about surgery the beginning of Feb 2004 and thought it would be 6-8 months before surgery...I was approved immediately and they asked if March/April would be ok...I had to ask them for end of July-early August due to work. But later in the same year St Francis was booked and filling up the schedule for it's a timing thing I guess.
As for insurance...all the companies are different based on your out of pocket expense was about $2000...but $250 was for the psych test & the pre-op education classes cost me about $400. The rest was my $100 hospital co-pay and the 5% surgeons fee co-pay. Some people pay more out of pocket....some less.
Good luck on your journey

I know you are in south Indiana, but I meet a lady at my pre op nutr class from Evansville. She said it was better to make the drive to Indianapolis than to have the surgery close to home. It may be better for you to because the doctors here are wonderful and it only took me two weeks to get approved. I'm using Dr. Huse at the St. Vincent Carmel Bariatric hospital. Took me 2 weeks to get approval. They may do things a little different than where you are.
Good Luck,
Gayle Lipe