My kitchen needs swept, mopped and the dishes done... I'm scared to see what my house will look like when I get backe from the hospital. Three dogs coming in from the back yard 7 or 8 times a day create a daily need for mopping- and how many husbands mop? Well, not mine certainly, unless I nag nag nag.
I can't wait for food either! Skipping breakfast so I can get that whole plate of mexican in!
Great news about Ed, sure hope they got him stabilized and will let him out soon!

Good morning all
Donna and I went to see Linda yesterday....had a nice visit. We had planned to go over and clean her house for her...but we just yacked instead
BUT Linda...if ya need me to come over and lend a hand..just call me
Ya know I would be there in a heartbeat
I am going to have something good for lunch....and I loveeeeeeee Don the choice is going to be a hard one for me Miss Angie and Miss Darrah
I don't want to get too much since I will be leaving directly from there to go gambling
I plan on sleeping in late tomorrow and enjoying my night out tonight
Warmer temps are headed into the state for stay warm until then everyone!!!