the week end
oh, thank GOD it is Friday!
Hopefully Ed will have made some good progress over night and will be able to come home this weekend. I haven't stayed overnight in the hospital since birth, but I can't imagine it's much fun, especially when you feel icky.
I'm sitting here, in the dark because the light up here just blew out about 30 seconds go, trying to decide if I want to go to work today. Part of me does because we hadn't planned on me losing my job, and I'm sure we can use that money sometime this next month. The other part of me doesn't because I don't want to help the people who just skrooed me out of a job. But in the end, my love of electricty wins, and I think I'll go to work.
Good morning everyone!
Looks like I'll be working through the weekend. Oh well, it will be nice getting on that plane next Saturday knowing I'm not leaving a bunch of loose ends here at work.
I hope they keep Ed till his levels are where they should be. Too often, they try to get patients out of the hospital ASAP...and often times, ASAP is too soon. I would imagine he is sick of that place though. I know I would be ready to climb the walls. Hang in there Angie. It WILL get better!
Darrah..don't work too hard hon...and don't let them get on your nerves. Very shortly, you will be having your surgery and improving your lifestyle in a major way. Can any of those idiots say that they were able to accomplish so much in such a little amount of time. I think not. So remember, you are the one who is going to finish on top!
Deb, Ellen, Leah, Jody, Dan, and everyone else....
Have a TERRIFIC Friday!!
Good Morning, Everyone!!
Fridays never come soon enough! I have a 3 day weekend, but I have to go for my 4 week follow up with my surgeon and dietitian on Monday. But, I don't mind giving up my day off to go to the doctor, because I finally get to get off this full liquid diet...YEAH!!!!
Everyone have a wonderful day and relaxing weekend!!
Try to stay warm!!!

Happy Friday All!
Today was my weigh in at home with hubby.....I am 2 weeks post op today and down 23 pounds since he weighed me on Monday after I came home from the hospital. I am happy with this progress
I am doing well getting in all my protein and fluids. Watching all you on here keeps me motivated to follow the plan exactly
I have not been sick yet nor found something that doesn't agree with me so I feel very fortunate. I stick to the same food plan daily and really look forward to the tasty meals. I especially love the refried beans with a little melted cheese and a dab of sour cream...Yummy! It still feels odd to be left out of the food plans here at home. Before my hubby and I would talk daily about what we were in the mood for and cook from I feel kinda bad as Jon cooks for himself and makes enough to eat for days
He has always been the primary cook, and loves leftovers, but I keep trying to tell him he is welcome to eat out too. Eating out for us has always been grabbing food from Hardee's, Subway, Long John Silvers, etc. He hasn't even ordered a pizza! I am married to such a caring and wonderful man and I know my success will be alot due to his strong support! Hope you all have a wonderful Friday! Angie...hang in there and tell Ed he is in our prayers!
Keep Bloomng!!