Happy Thursday!!!
I'm actaully off work today. Found out for certain yesterday that they will not approve my leave for surgery, so it looks like I'm out of a job. Oh well, there are plenty more jobs, but I only have one life, so surgery goes forward as planned! Just did the math and between pre op class and testing I only have three days of work left- hooray!

Well whatever ya do....don't quit voluntarily
At least you will be able to collect unemployment while you are looking for a new job
And they are going to have a hard time explaining to unemployment about not granting you time off for surgery
Not to mention the fact that it makes their unemployment rates go up if they have been granted lower rates
I think you can now apply for unemployment On-line.
By the way...what kind of work is it? Maybe someone here knows of a job you can apply for in your field.
Have a great day everyone!!!! Enjoy the spring like weather...winter is about to rear it's ugly head again this weekend...I am going down to the Argosy to go gambling on Sunday...and staying the night. It's my own little "mini-break" and I plan on sleeping in on Monday and being lazy for the 2 days I am down there

Wow can you believe that I am up and posting this early in the morning. I woke up with low blood sugar and had to get it back to normal before I get back into bed for a couple of hours. I am a very light sleeper and only sleep about 2 hours max at a time.
We had our Kokomo SG last night and had about 20 people there. There were several seekers there looking for information. Four of them were men. I passed on information about our board and found that we have some lurkers who have never posted but visit here regularly. I told them they need to start posting because they have something to contribute.
Well time to get off the computer and back to bed. We are having a thunder storm here this morning and looks like it is going to get pretty windy tonight.
Have a good day.