Stir-Crazy what to do
Good morning everyone!!
Doing well here, came home Friday. Have been doing very well. Hubby saw that I was going nuts yesterday and took me to movies. Seats where very comfortable, ones that recline. I would like some ideas on how to over come this stir-craziness before it gets out of hand. I can only watch so much of sponge bob and Jerry Springer. I love to read but that is getting boring also. I would like to do a few things around the house but I'm afraid of doing too much and undoing all the healing I have done. Anything you have to offer would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again

Hi Tammy...I just live up the road in we are neighbors! I about went nuts after my surgery too, but I crocheted & worked on my you do either??? It's also just a great time to really focus on YOU, and readjust your life accordingly. I folded clothes, and did dishes sitting down just to have something to do, also if ya have anything that you've needed to get done in a long time, and ya just never had the time to do go through boxes, or reorganize something like a drawer or closet...take you a chair, and work it out...just don't do alot of lifting because you don't want a hernia...they aren't fun!!! Call a friend you haven't talked to in awhile, or a family member. Have someone take you to Walmart to walk gives you a new view!!! Go WISH shopping online, or check what's out there for clothing you'll be into one of these days SOON!!! Do you like puzzles, word searches or anything like that??? Just some suggestions, hope you get to feeling better soon!!! Email me sometime if you want, and let me know of your progress, I'd love to hear how things go for you!!! My email is [email protected] hope to hear from you soon...till then take care!!! Sincerely,

Hi Tammy!
I took advantage of the time by going through all of my clothes. I had sizes ranging from a 20-28, I sorted them all by size and put them in rubbermaid bins. It took a long time but I'm glad that I did it. I went through sizes so fast that it really helped to have them all sorted. I also did some arts and crafts. Oh and I also had a small QVC problem... I recomend not turning the channel on.
Try to enjoy the time off. Best of luck to you.

I too am only up the road in Mooresville... and I too am a little stir crazy.. but I can't walk yet.. remember I just got my new knee so I know what your stir crazy feels like!!!
Hurts to ride in a car and just can't hike my leg over the harley yet..
I have been here for a few minutes at a time but mostly been looking thru pictures and organizing.. Writing thank you notes and just enjoying the time infront of the boob tube... I listen to my soap at work on the radio.,.. nice to see what they look like once in a while..