Close to backing out of surgery
My surgery is scheduled for March 17th 2006. I was all excited about it , but then I started reading some of these messages and now I'm not so sure I want to do this. I'm worried about the iron and anemia which I wasn't aware of . I'M worried about having to take vitamin b 12 shots the rest of my life. I'm worried about not being able to swallow pills for the rest of my life. What happens if I become ill and need medicine? I also don't want to depend on protein shakes for the rest of my life. None of these things have been discused with me from my surgeon. I'm learning from this web site.
1. You can swallow pills, you just have to break up any pill bigger than an asprin.
2. You don't have to have B-12 shots, you can take B-12 sublingual liquid which is available at drugstores.
I'm sure others here can reassure you on the rest of your concerns.
Are you scheduled for pre-operative nutrition class or something like it? That's where most of these questions are taken care of.
Hang in there. It's worth it.
Freda: I know exactly how you're feeling. I was fine until 2 weeks before my surgery date and then I was SCARED TO DEATH. I have a wonderful support system and my family reminded me how much I wanted this before I was scared. And I had to think about what was going to happen to me if I didn't take control of my weight. I weighed 422 and I was going downhill fast. I found out my heart was enlarged, I had sleep apnea, I had lots of pain and discomfort and I was very depressed. I don't know where I would be today if I hadn't had my surgery and I feel truly blessed that I was able to do it. And my insurance paid for it. I honestly feel like my surgery saved my life. I can swallow pills. I can swallow fish oil capsules and they are really big. I can swallow the Calcitrate calcium pills. You can swallow any medicine you need to by breaking it in pieces if you have to. Being scared is just part of the process you go through. I don't know if you believe in prayer but I know it worked for me. Good luck!!! Julie Bernard -178 lbs
Thanks Julie. I guess I am scared in fact more like terified. I'm glad to know that I can indeed take pills. I too need this surgery for my health. I really believe that God has this plan for me. He led me to the right people at the right time in order to get this far in the surgery process. I do believe in Him and I know that prayer works. Doubt just has a way of creeping in. thanks again I do feel better. I don't have much of a support system

Did you go to a consult with Dr. Jones? I had, and she did a great job stressing that vitamins would be needed for the rest of our lives. The nutrician class is great for answering all of those questions. I do pills without any I still ask for most of my meds to be in liquid form though and haven't had any real problems with getting them. I also do my B12 sublingual (it's no big deal). The protein need until you can get in enough protein via food. It won't take you that long.
Good luck!
I am 18 months out and I take pills normal..and I have since about 5 months out. I choose the B12 shots because they are more convinient for me than the sub-lingual once a week. Iron isn't a problem if you take a multi-vitamin with iron and once you start eating enough food (about 5-8 months out) you no longer have to supplement with protein drinks. I have had maybe 3 protein drinks since surgery..I supplement my protein with milk when I feel I haven't taken in enough meat.
Once you are 18 months plus pretty much returns to normal...the meals are just smaller. You are no longer consumed with your just comes natural and you eat to live...not live to eat. You eat when your body tells you to eat...not because it was 30 minutes since your last 2 pound meal.
But the choice is yours to have to decide if you are living now and if there are other ways to go to accomplish getting your life dieting (which if you are like most obese people-you have tried every fad diet out there).
If you are subconsciously thinking you love food too much to give it assured the surgery will change your mindset about food and you won't miss it once you no longer crave it. And once you are 18 months + can have pretty much any food you all becomes a matter of choice and from my own experience I find it is easy to pass up eating ice cream and eating healthier foods...I sometimes eat bad a piece of fried chicken...but it's rare. AND it's easier to make that choice now...I would have justified it before surgery and gone with my cravings. Which only led to an all time high of 347 sad to be that large and not be able to go places or be comfortable in any position or to be tired all the time....or just to simply wipe my butt
The postings you are reading are from people who are new...they just had surgery...the ones who are farther out never post much about getting their protein...and taking vitamins is something even normal healthy people taking 20 meds for diabetes, high blood pressure, joint pain, etc, etc.
I wish you luck on your journey....and I hope you make a decision that is best for you...only you know what is going to be good for you.
Hugs and kisses

Hey sweetie, The first few weeks were rough.. but I would do them again in a heartbeat!! NOTHING can replace how good I feel now (besides the pain in my new knee).
I take the b-12 under my tounge 2X a week and it doesnt taste bad at all. and I wake everymorning to this wonderful support group and all my vitamins... they are gone with a glass of milk before I am done posting. I started a routine and now I am hard pressed to stop it.. even in the hospital (with my new Knee last week) I didn't break my routine...all iI missed was the puter!!!
I have lost close to 100 pounds.. something I could never have done on my own and I got my brand new knee and will stop walking like a fat lady.. soon i will be a saucy, sassy, 50 year old woman with an actual LIFE!!!
Before WLS I was stuck at almost 300 pounds no friends nowhere to go and sooo tired of the comments behind my back about how unhealthy and unattractive i was..
Now I have more fun with all the new friends I have met here.. I have an avenue to get newer clothes.. Yes my new friends are LOSERS but they are the best LOSERS I know because they have BEEN there and remembered to bring their wonderful, careing hearts into their new lives with them...
It is ok to be scared... it is normal.. but dont let it stop you from reaching your goals.. for some of us WLS was the only way to get to this level of happiness...
Anyone who takes the decision to have this lightly is nutso! You should be concerned and process the decision throughly. Remember though, people dont come here and post "all is well" thats too boring, so we tend to see all the negatives and not all the success stories.
I have done fantastic and I do take the shots, no big deal! I take vitamins, no big deal, I take calcium daily, no big deal. I got to taper down lots of other meds and get off of others!
So talk to yourself, process all the facts, and make your decision with your gut feelings!