Not sure what to do
As you guys know, I'm super SUPER excited about my upcoming surgery. And as you also know, I was a hard struggle to even get approved for the darned thing. Now that I have been approved and have a date, I figured this would be a quiet time in the struggle to become healthier until after the surgery and the REAL work begins. Apparently I was wrong.
I'm having real issues at work, and I don't really know what to do. I'm pretty certain that I'm if I have this surgery that I am going to lose my job. I haven't been at my job long enough to be covered by FMLA for leave. Everyday that I am there becomes increasingly more difficult. My supervisor won't even LOOK at me anymore, let alone talk to me. When she does have to talk to me she is cold and right there on the edge of rude. I just found out YESTERDAY that my nutriton class has to be either the 16th (tomorrow) or the 21st. She did know I would have a class to go to, and that I just didn't know when it would be. She informed me neither date is good and that I will just have to decide if I'm willing to take the day unlpanned, which means I recieve an attendance strike. Now apprently there is some sort of issue with them giving me a leave of abscence for my recovery period, when I was lead to belive before that it wouldn't be a problem. I don't know what to do. I need to have this surgery, but I need my job too. My husband says that nothing short of God Himself is going to stop me from having surgery on the first and that it's "only" a job and that I can get another one. But i *LIKE* this job usually. Its only since my approval that everyday gets worse and I feel so unwanted and uncomfortable while I'm there. I just don't know what to do.
Does your place of employment have a union or someone that you can go to to place a complaint about how you are being treated? (I would think that that could be considered a type of harrassment). Try to keep your chin up and everything will work out for the best. God will take care of everything-just put your trust in Him. -- Angie
You should look into filing an EEO complaint. Have they treated someone having a Hysterectomy or a Knee replacement or some other type of "elective" surgery this way? Both of these surgeries can be termed "elective" and "could be put off until later", which sounds like the attitude being adopted.
I'm with your husband. You can always find another job. You might even like it better. But make them fire you, don't quit! You might have grounds for a Wrongful Dismissal case.
Good luck.
Hi Darrah,
Sounds to me that you could definitely find a better job if you are getting treated so poorly. Is there a manager over your current manager that you could talk to about this situation??? It's against the law for someone to "FIRED" you because you have surgery I believe, you might want to check into's discrimination, and harassment!!! Is there another company that is like yours you could go work for after your surgery should something happen to your job??? That just sounds aweful, and I'm sorry that you are having to deal with's just not right!!! I wish you the best with your job and your journey...let us know what happens with you!!! "HUGZZZZZZZZZZ"~~~Shari
Awwww sweety...there are always other jobs...but whatever you do...don't quit...make them fire you and collect unemployment until you get a new job. You were not even under any obligation to inform them of what type fo surgery you are could have just said you were having surgery and informed them of your rights to privacy about the nature.
That point aside...everything happens for a reason...but stick to your choice to change your many more doors will open afterwards. In the meantime-request a meeting with the supervisor above yours if it becomes a problem and she threatens to fire least you can tell the unemployment office you tried to resolve it

Nothing short of God Himself will stop me from having this surgery as planned.
Today I was informed by my supervisor that I will NOT be granted a leave of absence for surgery, when all along I was lead to believe that it would be fine. And it was actually my supervisors supervisor (who has been with the company a whole 2 weeks) who decided to decline it. They SAY that its because of staffing that they need to be able to hire someone to replace me and they can't do that if they grant me a leave, but that after I'm ready to come back to work I can REAPPLY for my job. They must think I have 'stupid' written across my forehead. And if there are going to BE positions open when I'm ready to come back, why not just give me the leave? They won't even have someone fully TRAINED before I could potentially be back. But oh well I guess. God doesn't close one door without opening another, so we'll see where this takes me.
Have the Dr fill out the FMLA papers and turn them in.. that will take care of nutrition classes and follow up 3 month appointments..
It is WRONG for them to badger you this way.. keep notes and names and times.. And I agree with Deb make them fire you!!! Collect unemployment... Life is to short to live it fat.. go out and tackle all the life you can hold onto!!! Jobs are replaceable.. your life isnt.