Had my gallbladder taken out Thursday.
Hey everyone,
It's been a long time since I've gotten on here. I just have some general questions for those of you who have had your GB taken out. I have a itchy red rash around my belly button. My other insisions are a little red to and they also itch. I have not been able to eat much either. It makes me sick to my stomach. Out of the blue, I got really hot today and thought I was going to get sick or pass out one. Never felt this way before. It was kinda scarey. I have also got a problem with constipation right now. I have not gone to the bathroom for #2 since Thursday morning. I went to the store today to get some apple juice to drink. This use to have me running to the toliet before my operation. So I am hoping this works. I am just wondering if this reddness and itch is normal. If any one else has ever had these problems, let me know. I hope all is well. I also was wandering when the next clothing exchange was going to be and where? I have lots of clothes now that I have lost 130 pounds. I have lots of 5x scrubs. I am looking for smeller scrubs in sizes 2x or 3x. I hate to buy clothes that you are just going to shrink out of soon. Thank you to all that respond. Have a great week.
Your WLS friend, Michelle Reeves - 130 lbs. (June 24, 2005)
Hi Michelle,
I have not had my surgery yet, but I have had my gallbladder removed. The itching is probably healing. I know my incisions itched a lot. Did the doctor say anything to you about the fact that you might still pass stones after the surgery? When I had my surgery I still would get cold sweats, pain, weakness, and light headed. I asked the doctor and he told me that when they are removing the gallbladder and stones sometimes they drop some of them because they are trying to break them up. And yes, you can still pass the suckers!
I don't know if I was much help on this side but hey, I tried.
Take care,
It's normal for the incisions to itch as they heal. As for the constipation...call your doctor and ask for a stool softner or try the over-the-counter kind...like Metamucil maybe? And of course...the ever reliable prune juice
But it can be serious so make sure ya take care of it-ya don't want to get impacted (ouchie).
Congrats on your loss and your journey

I had my gall bladder out 5 years ago. My incisions itched like mad which I've learned is just part of the healing process. Some redness is also to be expected, but if they are looking inflamed or if the incisions are warmer than the surrounding tissue those are signs of infection. Be sure to call th doc if you notice that happening! I had a lap surgery in December and my belly button incision got infected, doc tol dme to wip eit with perioxide a few times a day and I toss some neosporin on it. Again though, call your doctor to make sure that's what he'd recommend.
As for the bowel issues...I don't remember the effects immediately after but I know, long term, I've had no issues...so hopefully all will pass soon (pun intended).

The first few weeks post-op...from any surgery for me...I go through a spell of constipation. That straightens itself out pretty quick for me (or with the help of some Dieter's Tea). I've been told that is a side affect of the anasthesia. About 6 months after my gall bladder surgery, I had went through a period of about 4 months with quite the opposite problem. I had to keep Immodium with me 24/7. Also, you may get where the smell/sight of certain foods bother you. One person I know, it was pizza. For me, it was unmelted butter on bread. I could no****ch anyone eating a roll with butter without getting queezy. That took about a year to get over for the most part although sometimes it still bothers me and my gb was out almost 4 years ago.
Great job on the weight loss!!