3 weeks!!
Only 3 weeks until my surgery. I am getting
....My mind is thinking all the time.
I am happy and scared at the same time. Is this normal?
I read things sometimes that make me want to
Does everyone go through this? The mind game? I am even having dreams of being thin.
Is the food thing really hard to get down? What you can and can't eat.
My pre-opt classes are February 16th. Will they give me all the information there?
Take care,

Every one feels like running before surgery.. its only natural to get nervous. the morning of my surgery i was so nervous i thought i would pass out.. when they got me on the operating table i just felt so calm and then BAM the antisthesiologist hit me with the good stuff.
the food thing hasnt been too hard for me.. just ease into it and follow your nutritionist orders and you will be fine... some foods you just have to try to see what works for you, just go slow.. i dont even like some things that i used to like and some things i enjoy so much more than i ever did before.
You will learn sooo much from your preop class, you will feel alot better after that because you will have a better idea whats going to happen and when.
Take care and good luck. Carla
Just wanted to butt in and say that you are a true gift to this website and the girls and guys who come through here. You are always so supportive and go out of your way to make people feel nice by delivering baskets, making calls and just always being so positive.
You are a great example of what a friend is supposed to be. Thanks for the inspiration!