Home -- Post OP--and a question
I had to stay over an extra night to get my blood sugar levels under control. I also found out that anti-motionsickness meds, esp. the patch they put on me pre-op -- make me get motionsickness worse. (Once I remembered that that was how I felt on Dramamine years ago and told my nurse who took off the patch the problem went away.)
Question: I'm allowed low-fat brick cheese, but I'm not sure how big a piece I should have, since it's kind of hard to figure out how much will fit in the little cups.
I know that most of us just ate 1 slice of personal packed string cheese low fat or no more then 2% it is easier to measer and wont dry out, but you may not be able to eat all it this soon. It is easier to tare a little off at a time and make it last the whole half an hour. So if you want brick cheese just make it the size of the the string cheese. I will tell you the first month most food dosent taste the same as it did before you had the surgery, at least for me. Oh but I can say the mashed tato's still taste the same, us a little Molly McButter and salt and peper and you are set I ate alot of that my first 3 weeks, I really like the frozen type I just put a little milk in it also. Hope this helps.
it gets easier, when i measure my 8 oz it is always way more than i think i am gonna be able to eat and normally i eat at least 6 or 7 oz then again depending on what it is...
Ed amazes me he ate a whole protein bar and has a number of time already i would not have been able to at his stage...so each person is gonna do at their speed...
i had those patches as well, but i threw up blood when i was still in the hospital 2 or 3 times but not thrown blood up...i still get sick, matter a fact just last night i did...but i know i drank to much to fast...
I was evil last night and decided I wasn't sleeping in the stupid recliner, and decided to try the water bed after all. (Nurse had suggested it would be too hard to get in and out of.) As it turned out my WB was easier to get in and out of than the bed at the hospital. As a result I slept 12 hours. It was nice to sleep in my own bed, and nicer not to be woken up every 3 hours for someone to take blood or vitals...
I'll remember the cheese cube suggestion, but I really don't like string cheese. Anyway, so far so good, except that my blood sugar was way low this morning.
Hello Linda!
I am a fellow post op and I use the string cheese. It is really yummy. It also has between 7-8 Grams of protein to boot. I take little bites and chew...chew...chew....until it feels creamy/watery in my mouth. I love my mashed potatoes! My hubby fixes a pouch of the instant and makes it with chicken broth instead of the water and let me tell you!!!! It is delicious. That and cottage cheese are my 3 favorites! I am going to try a little refried beans with shredded cheese and a little sour cream today. That is also a good source of protein. I find the sugar free popsicles are a real lifesaver....whenever I need a little something to perk me up it is a fun and delicious treat. Hang in there sweetie we will make this together!