Payment Options
Hi everyone. I was wondering if there is any way I could get my surgery paid for. I no longer have insurance,except a student plan which is for sickness and emergency only. I only made around $4,000 last year because I am a full time student. I tried to work full time and go to school full time last semester, but academically my grades dropped and I had to leave. I moved and I am back in my hometown. I only substitute teach 1-2 days a week because of classes and work load. Getting a full time job is out of the question. No one in my family can pay the surgery out of pocket. I cant get it financed because of other reasons. I dont have any children, so I am sure if I can get any kind of finanicial support from the government. If anyone in Indiana can help me. I would be so pleased. Thank you.
Without insurance or a way to self-pay, it would seem you may have to wait until you have graduated school and found full-time employment
How much more time do you have in school? If it is a year or two...that is not all that long to wait...some on here have battled that long and longer with their insurance can be a long road sometimes.
Good luck on your journey