Attention All Women!!!!
I have a question for all those that have the I COULD MURDER SOMEONE FOR A BROWNIE cravings. (mine co-inside with my periods) I just don't know what to do to cure those and still not destroy the hard work you have done the rest of the month. I have the detour protein bars and those help but looking for the crunch/sweet/chocolate I'm going to go out of my mind if I don't get type of cure. Thanks for your help and understanding.

Hi Micah
I noticed you are from Decatur-so am I. I have that feeling every once in awhile. I fix chocolate chip cookies with splenda for the sweet carvings. Also, I have been drinking the Carb Countdown Chocolate Milk for the "I need chocolate fit". I had surgery in June and just lately carving sweets. Sorry I can't help much.
Hi Debbie
We should get together since we are in the same town. Maybe I can get some tips from you. My e-mail is [email protected] Hope to talk to you soon.
Hey Micah
Try Klondyke Thin Bears ice cream sandwiches.....they are sugar-free, 4 gr of protein and yummy
Also, the Snackwell Cookie line is very tasty too. But I prefer the ice cream...even if it's just fat-free, sugar-free Kroger brand with sugar free Hershey's Syrup (also fat-free). For protein and crunch....just sprinkle with a few chopped nuts
I also enjoy fresh sweet fruits..watermelon, grapes, bananas, strawberries-yummyyyyyyyy. Good luck!!!

For me, it's peanut butter chocolate chip race cakes. 1 or 2 does it and they are 60 calories each. If you just want the salty-crunchy...try the popcorn flavored rice cakes. You are a little early out though. If you can have protein bars, Zone Perfect has a chocolate peanut butter one that isn't bad. know the no-bakes you make with Hershy's chocolate? Make them, only substitue the sugar with Splenda plus add 1/2 c sugar (or they'll be bitter).
You may be too early out for some of this now, but they're idea's for when you can have them.....