please tell me the ins. lady was not mistaken!!!!!
ok heres the thing i have completed 6 month supervised program i finally got in touch with someone at the medicade office here in indianapolis i have also completed all the other things that have to be done so i said ok i think im ready to call eileen at johnson memorial and then i hear the words it is 8 months you need and if for any reason you miss one you have to start all over now i have aboutr 9 months in the program but only 6 are consecutive because i had phumonia someone in indy who is on medicade please tell me the lady from medicade did know what she was talking about! i have been in this process for a year i need help someone has to know for sure which one of these facts is true.i pray for your help.please if you need any more imfo i will give it my specific kind of medicade is medwise PLEASE HELP SOMEONE WHO KNOWS.....
when you missed your appts because of being sick - where you weighed in at anytime by a doctor (perhaps treating you being sick) during that time? Because if so - that's documentation that can be used. Then it's not considered non consecutive and you should be okay. That's what I did and I had no problems being approved.
Cimberly sweety, the only way you are going to get your answers are from Medicaid. Go ahead and submit your paperwork...STAY on the supervised diet in case they come back with 2 more months needed, and cross your fingers
I know it's discouraging....but to come here for answers on the insurance thing can be heartbreaking...everyone wants to be they tell you their experience or what they heard about someone else...and it gives everyone false hopes...when the only place to get the answers are from the horses mouth
It is such a terrible roller coaster waiting for approval....I put off having this surgery for 3 years because I listened to someone who said that none of the Federal employee policies covered the surgery...well I should have just gotten the facts myself directly from my insurance...I was covered and had no pre-req's except that I had to have a BMI of over 40...that was it. I waited 3 years based on hearsay. Maybe deep down I wasn't ready yet....and I needed to be ready first
But I learned my lesson to go directly to the source of payment and duke it out with one else can give me the answers except the ones paying the bill
Same thing with plastic surgery-you see a lot of "No insurance pays for that"...well if I had listened to that crap..I would have never inquired and found out that my insurance pays for the removal of excess skin off the belly (Panniculectomy).
So instead of riding the hearsay roller coaster (which is heartbreaking at times
) I would suggest ya have the doctor submit your package, let Medicaid approve or deny you, STAY on the diet plan thru your appeal, and put in the least you will still have your diet program going and if it takes 2 months to will have met the 8 month requirement
Good luck on your journey....let us know when you get a surgery date-hopefully very soon!!!!