Thanks to All You Wonderful Ladies and Gents!!
Greetings All!
I am home and doing well. My surgery was Friday Morning at 8am and Dr. Huse was talking to my family at 9:20. Said it all went really good. It was smooth, fast, with no complications. Getting me to wake up took a little longer....
I got to my room about noon and don't remember much about friday.....the morphine pump helped the pain only later I found out it gave me a doosey of a headache, nausea and terrible dry heavs every time I went walking! Sheesh! I am glad that is over! UGH Friday midnight was not good either...I remember sitting on the edge of my bed crying thinking I was not doing well at all......Then more drugs and when Saturday broke I was feeling better. Got switched to the Liquid Loratab so.....I was much better
Some other gals on my floor had problems so I started being thankful that I was coming along good. I couldn't really start the protein in that hospital as they had none without Aspertame so I started today. Angie I use the carb countdown milk (4 cups) to one cup dry milk and it is really good. I still struggle to get all my fluids in but I have not been sick once and feel I am coping well. Jon is my angel here at home! He is wondeful about measuring my food and seeing that I get all my sipping in. And Walking.....
Our house is little but I pace it back and forth and I do feel better...Jon says we will probably need new carpet when this is over....
I am still really swollen with gas and called the nurse today and Dr. Huse told me to take a couple of dulcolax to flush my bowls and that would help. I am so fortunate with my scars...only my left waist incision really hurts badly so I am blessed there. It went so well I didn't even have to have a drain put in. So I am real happy about that. Well I am off here as this chair is a bit hard and I need to walk.
I just wanted to thank you all for your prayes and words of support. I loved the goodies in my basket that Linda gave me from everyone and the beautiful flowers and baloons from Miss Courtney and Angie, I will treasure the little Angel from my New Birth! You Ladies and Gents Rock!!

I am so happy that everything turned out exceptionally well.
It is very reassuring that I am doing the right thing, even when I get anxious. Counting down tonight, I have surgery first thing in the morning.
Maybe when this is finally over I can get some sleep.
Get your rest now, see ya on the other side.

Hi Marianne,
I'm so glad to hear everything went well, and you are home shining already!!! Fluids will come in time, and so will the's rather hard at first, but everything will fall into place!!! I wish you the BEST on your journey!!! Keep up the great work, you'll do wonderfully!!! "HUGZZZZZZZ" I'll continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers!!! ~~~Shari

NO DRAIN PUT IN? darn that is sure awesome...gosh, i hate was the most uncomfy thing to be about the surgery, i did great other wise...
that carb count down puts me in mind of swiss miss, i have always said i was gonna heat it up but just never did...
i love that lil angel, i asked my manager if she could order butterflies on a stick, and she said last few times she ordered they sent her these other ones, (not on a stick) Tammy is that something you could order maybe? i think it would make a great addition to the baskets since the butterfly is the symbol of this surgery...
so glad you are doing so great keep it up...
Hey Marianne, good to hear from you. I am so thankful your surgery went well and that you are doing great!! Welcome to the losing side. Keeping you in my prayers for a great wl journey!!!
Are you going to the clothing exchange in April? I am planning on going so hope to see you then.
Take care and God bless you.