Daughter Update
What a day this has been! We get Tiffany to the hospital. They take 2 tries before they get the IV going. They get the blood samples drawn. They shave her belly. They postpone her c-section twice because of emergency c-sections taking presidence. THEN they decide to do an ultrasound and I'll be damn if that kid didn't decide to turn!!! He isn't completely in position yet but he is very close. So...THEY SENT HER HOME! We can't believe it...especially since she is going to be getting a tubal done and her history of hemoraging. If she hemorages again, they will make her wait 6 weeks to have the tubal...not to mention the risks to her. My hubby is so afraid that I will be at work when she goes into labor and then she'll have to wait for me to get there to her. I'm betting..and hoping...that she'll go into labor during the night. She has with her first two anyway.
Tiff had a doctor appointment at 4. The nurse who saw her is going to get hold of the doctor and get an induce date set. Given Tiff's history, the nurse is going to push for no later than next Monday. The further she goes on, the higher the risk is for hemoraging. The nurse couldn't believe they waited so long to even do an ultrasound.
Normal procedure is either do one as soon as you get there or not do one at all. She also couldn't believe that it was the resident doctor who made that stupid judgement call instead of leaving it up to the surgeon who was going to be operating. She's going through Methodist and the %$*@ place puts you with a midwife instead of a doctor even if you have a history of problem deliveries such as Tiff has!
I'll keep you all informed.....
ps..To make use of this day being off, My grandson and I went and got our hair done. I'm going to have to put a new pic up! It's shorter and I dyed it a strawberry blonde (instead of the platinum blonde). I THINK I like it....

Thank you. We all can use all the prayers and well wishes.
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To make several photos available to share, some of us use PictureTrails.com. You can add a link to it on your profile (or another site if you have a picture album somewhere else).
Hope this helps....
Hi Shari....just send an email with your pictures as an attachment to [email protected] and give them your name, OH ID# found on your profile and your email address. You can also tell them what to put with each picture as a caption. Then they will put the most recent picture of you in the post on here each time you post