1st Day home, 3 days Post-Op, Lap RNY
I just made it home a few hours ago and wanted to let everyone know I made it through it ok. Thanks to everyone for the support and prayers. I am really missing the pain relief from the hospital right now, but just took some liquid tylenol with codiene and should feeling better soon. The surgery took a little longer than usual because my BMI was border line for having it lap v. open and I also have a lot of scar tissue from previous surgeries. The Dr. sent me home with two J-P drains because I am still draining quite a bit. Fluid intake is most important for me right now. I know I didn't hit my protien intake goal today, but I'll try again tomorrow. Thanks everyone! So glad I'm now on the LOSING SIDE!!!

Well you must be doing well because I did not got on the computer for days after I got home. Great going !!! I know what you mean about feeling the pain when you come home---I remember the rude awakening I had when I got home and tried to take liquid Ibuprfin thinking I was fine--Little did I know that the pain meds from the hospital were still in my system.
It will get better! Will keep you in my prayers
Hey Stacey....we are not allowed to have Ibuprofen after surgery...it causes ulcers. I found out the hard way
We are not allowed to have any anti-inflammatories and I used to live on them for joint pain...Tylenol just isn't the same as good old Ibuprofen
Just thought I'd let ya know and save you the hassle (and pain!!!) of the problems the anti-inflammatories cause. They should have it on your post-op instructions (I ignored those and took it anyhow...oops).
Happy loosing girlfriend

Hey All
Deb--I was actually given ibuprofen at the hospital! They gave it to me to bring home---I know it is childrens ibufrofen because it's the only way to get it in liquid form and maybe liquid is okay????
But, I hope they know what they're doing. If not---maybe I should call someone?!?! You got me wondering.........

They usually give liquid Lortab or the liquid Tylenol 3 with codeine...weird that they gave you an anti-inflammatory...it is very irritating to the stomach lining. All I know is that we aren't allowed to use Ibuprofen...and like I said....I used to live on the stuff
Now I just take Tylenol and suffer
Fortunately my joint pain isn't anything like it was 149 pounds ago
And after getting that ulcer last year...I learned my lesson-man was that ever painful

Hey Deb...I just found out back in December that I have an ulcer. When I went to see Dr. Huse I let him know about my constant back pain, and he told me to take Advil. I soon read after that about Advil causing ulcers, and was concerned...why would the doc tell me to take something that would cause ulcers when I already have one??? Doesn't make sense to me, but it's the only thing that helps me too other than the Capitol...it's great stuff, but I only take it at night time before bed!!! Don't want to get addicted to that stuff!!! What to do...what to do?!?!?!?!? "HUGZZZZZ" ~~~Shari
Hey Shari...did Dr Huse have ya take Advil? Or was it your PCP? I was prescribed Lortab tablets with my ulcer (I was a year out and able to take pills). The pain was just awful wasn't it?
And I was taking Ibuprofen for the pain
When I told the surgeon....he said "You are not allowed to take Ibuprofen or anti-inflammatories for the rest of your life"....I was like "Oops"....The when I go in for any GI work...like endoscopies, colonoscopies, etc, the instuctions always state "Do not take any anti-inflammatories such as Ibuprofen." They also state not to have any products that contain Equal....I guess it is really hard on the system and even worse for WLS people. Gonna have to research that one.
I knew from Pharmacology class that Ibuprofen was very caustic...but sometimes it is all that helps with pain...and I miss it