Hold me accountable
My heart goes out to you & your daughter.I am keeping you both in my prayers. To think someone would be so spiteful, petty & hateful to hurt you both is just horrible!
It is bad enough that you both had to live thru it in the past, but worse to have more lies thrown at you now.
You definately have every right to "talk" anything out here.WE ARE FAMILY;& are here to support each other.You are respected;loved; & your opinion matters. You didn't deserve the "garbage " that has been dished out.Just by knowing you,I think your daughter must be lovely person as well. Tell her we all are here for her,too. Sometimes we have to be "bigger,better" people than those who hurt us. Walk away with your head held high!
Hey, "lurker"-get a life!! You should be ashamed of yourself for causing this hurt/harm to this family.Shame on you- you need to apologize to them both!!!
Love you Deb,
Thanks Ellen...didn't mean to make a drama on here over this...but since the person in question doesn't post...I don't know what name she goes by...otherwise I would have just emailed her and told her to mind her own business if she wasn't involved in the situation. ****sigh*****
I am still hoping to ex-hubby calls to confront me about it
He knows a few things that were said over the years...but he isn't aware of all of it. Maybe this lurker would like for me to tell him
My advice is to stay out of things you know nothing about...or be prepared to open Pandora's Box
But I wasn't being mean when I made my comments...I was just making a comment about my particular experience with the "step-parent" issue...which was awful for me. And it was in the past...and maybe that woman has changed...but it can't take away the hurt that was caused to me many years ago. Maybe instead of getting all upset about something that was said and turning it into yet another "feel sorry for me party" she should have called and apologized for saying things that she said and NOT involved my daughter. They made my poor daughter feel like it was her fault for ever confiding in me
But the poor child was deeply hurt over the years for hateful things said to her about me....and though I told her to not pay any attention to the mean things said...I have to admit the words had an affect on me and made me very depressed over the years.
And if I want to come here...to my safe haven...and talk about things in my past that had an affect on me (and my depression and weight gain)..then I should be able to do so.
But that person who lurked and ran to start drama has stolen my safe haven away from me...I no longer feel at liberty to come here for safety
So I will keep my stuff inside me and pretend that the last 20 years have never happened
) Thank you for that Karen...and I hope you have a nice safe place to go and talk about your problems where you won't fear any backlash to your loved ones when you talk about things that have hurt you in the past.

There's been times that I would go to post a reply to a touchy-feely subject and would think twice about what I write because I don't know who does and doesn't lurk on here. My sister and my dad both had RNY's and I don't THINK either of them come on here. There are friends of theirs who has had RNY and I don't THINK any of them come on here. But...there has been threads to which I could have shared my situation with my family (ie mother and another sister) which may have helped the person who posted the thread...but I refrain because although my parents and my siblings all well know how I feel about the relationship (or lack thereof) that I have with them, it's a little different to see it in print....for all the world to see.
I know we all like to think that we're all buds on here...and many of us are. Truth is though, this is the Wide World Web, and there is nothing saying that only supportive people can view our posts. Don't get me wrong. I'm not blaming you at all for any comments you made on here. Your situation just confirmed my fears though....and is why I don't open up as much as some people may on here. I don't want it to come back to bite me. Shoot...this post may. Afterall, lurkers exist...and not always for possitive reasons. I agree with others that they need to get a life..but think they are really going to listen to me or anyone else on here telling them that? Some people just love to cause problems. We just have to be more careful not to give them any ammunition.
I think the best thing to do if you feel you have something to say that would benefit the person who started the thread (or another poster), if you feel that there is any chance of someone trying to start trouble from what you would like to say, send the recipient an email instead. This is what I do.

Dear mom,
Yes it is I, the imfamous troubled daughter. I would like to say I love both my moms. I love them not because they are perfect, but because they have both loved me. I asked my mom on here, Debi to leave my problems and the problems of my family off of here; so please stop feeding her sympathy. If she has a problem, she can talk to me about it. Don't bother repiling to this because I will not be returning to this site.
Mom you have hurt me very much for continuing this online even though you told me you wouldn't. You even promised you would take down the first post if you could. the problems I had were the problems of childhood. The same problems everyone has with childhood and growing up. I have buried the hatchet and gotten over my problems, but here you are digging them up and stabbing me with them. I love both of my moms, but right now I am not evry happy with you and what you are doing. Please stop.
I would also like to ask that everyone stop commenting on this thread. Thank you.