Hold me accountable
I just had a call from my daughter...apparently when I wrote a post about her step-mother...someone took it upon themselves to call the step-mother and cause drama about something they know nothing about. I had to reassure my daughter that she should NOT feel guilty for anything that happened to her as a child.
Too bad the person didn't come to me and ask me what I meant by what was said...and doubly bad that the step-mother didn't call me herself if she had issues with my post and taken it up with me.
So to the relative of my ex-husbands wife (who lurks but never posts)...you were not there when it happened and you can not know what was said over the years or the problems it has caused not only my daughter....but myself.
I come to this board for support from my friends and I feel SAFE knowing that I can come here and talk about my life (which happens to include my children and anyone who has had anything to do with my life)and be able to make comments about said life.
But to take a non-specific, general comment I had about something to do with my life...and to run and start a fire with it at the expense of my child's emotions is petty and mean. I guess the apples do not fall far from the tree. I hope you can live with the ashes.
Thanks Darrah...my daughter was so upset because she always felt like the peace keeper in that family and now she is having to put out yet another fire that was not her doing.
It's not like I posted anyones name or told any of the horror stories or anything
We all have our sins to bear and we all have things in our pasts we wish we could go back and change. NONE of us are perfect. But there are some people who are just mean...for the sake of being mean...and they are so sad and miserable, they try their best to make everyone sad and miserable...
So I guess maybe I should not talk about my past life on here eh?
Maybe I should just pretend that I have no past that has in any way, shape or form affected me and how I am today . I thought thats what the support board was for....to open up and talk. More than half of us are emotional eaters and the things we have gone through over the years helped add pounds to our bodies and stress to our minds.
I have but one thing to say...I am who I am...and my life was lived by me...and if you weren't there...or you do not know what has happened in my life...then leave my life & what I post on here about it to yourself. If you don't like what I say...email me. Don't make someone else pay for my comments...she has paid enough in her life for the spitefulness of one person.
Lordy I think I have started a soap box on here

To you I give very "been there done that" ((((((hugs))))))). I know how it feels for others to put your children in the middle, and to the "Lurker" you should be ashamed. Deb is a very well thought of person on this board and our thoughts and feelings are apart of who we are and how we communicate support on this board.
With all my support Deb!
Julie R.
Thanks Julie....I felt so bad for my daughter yesterday...she was in tears. I told her to have her step and my ex call me directly if they had a problem with what was said. I have no problem whatsoever addressing the things that were done years ago that had such an affect on my life as well as my daughters life. I addressed them when they happened...I can do it again

Yep yep...people need a life
And I am mature enough to know what the faults of my relatives are to know that if someone makes a statement about them (a very non-specific one at that)...then that is that person's right to have an opinion. But I am sure not gonna go running to them and blow it out of proportion if I don't know the facts
Especially if they know how much drama it's gonna cause innocent people...geezzzzzzz

Ya know...people ARE petty and JEALOUS. I have seen many and I'm sure I won't see the last of them. To bring children (or anyone else) regardless of age into a situation is wrong. She should apologize to you and to your daughter. No wonder why she just lurks and don't post.
We support you Deb to the fullest. I have never heard you make a BAD comment about anyone on here...we SHOULD feel ok to share things with our friends here because it's OUR life. We do with it what we choose.
We need to ignore stupidity!
Thanks Courtney
I never said anything about anyone on here or WLS related. It was a statement about step-parents/step-kids. And my daughters step-mom's sister had WLS and reads the boards. Never even dawned on me that I could not disscuss things that affected me emotionally over the years on here...and the things that were said to my daughter when she was growing up had a HUGE impact on my emotions and self-esteem....not to mention the problems it caused my daughter