Its Sunday Roll Call
Happy Sunday, everyone!!
Linda, you'll be in my thoughts & prayers for your surgery. The very best to you!! I'll be anxious to hear an update & see you back online soon!
I hope everyone had a marvelous time last night! My husband & I were shopping in Bloomington & ate at the Cracker Barrel.....just love that place!
I work today, but it's still a good Sunday!!
you will do just wonderful gal, i am thinking there will be no holding you back, you will be wanting us all to go out to flea markets and shopping and what have you, plus the next goodwill 1/2 off day should be coming up the end of March like the 25th i will be zipping all over the stores...
I think i will go to the goodwill here just in a few well when they open at noon, cos i work for the next 10 days...hurry up feb
Good morning everyone!
I'm glad that those who went last night had a good time from what I've read (for the most part anyway). I'm sure everything will go fine tomorrow Linda. I bet we see you back on here as soon as you're back home from the hospital! You would me anyway...drug induced and all
Angie..I only did 1.25 miles on the treadmill yesterday. I kept upping the speed and upped it a bit too much and had to take it easy on my legs the rest of the day. I did do the warm-up & cool-down from this dance exercise DVD I have. There's dance exercises between the two...hip-hip, balet, ect. but I'm not coordinated enough for those just yet. I'd like to find a DVD that teached you how to line dance. I figure that should be good exercise, I would enjoy the music, and I just might be able to use those dance moves some day.
You all have a great day!

Good morning all
I made it home fine. I have a Superbowl Party to go to today. Had a great time last night...always good to see my old buddies and to meet the new ones!!!!
Everyone please welcome Tania to the boards....she is beginning her journey and is trying to get approved for the adjustable lap band. She is a very lovely lady and has a great attitude about her journey.
I have posted pictures from the reataurant...check my profile...then click on the picture trails link. Lots of albums there to look at for anyone who not peeked at them.
Dawn brought in a flyer for the next exchange...and as the time gets closer...we will post more often about it..but mark your calendars for the next Clothing Exchange & Luncheon!!!! April 22, 2006, Southwood Baptist Church, 501 S 4th St, Beech Grove IN 46107 from 11AM to 1PM. Dawn's email addy is [email protected].
There will be more posts about that event as we get closer!!!
As for upcoming is my current list...if you are having surgery in or around Indianapolis and you don't see your name...please post and give your real name and the date and the hospital so that we can bring you a post-op gift bag and visit you in the hospital!!! Or just email me-thanks everyone who braved the snow to come out last night!!!
Linda-knee surgery Feb 6th Hendricks Co Hospital (Danville)
Tammy Beebe Feb 7th St Vincents
Mary Cowman Feb 7th St Vincents
Joyce Cundiff Feb 9th St Vincents
Melissa Mitt Taylor Feb 14th St Francis
Tammy Lakin Feb 16th Wishard
Alfreda Meiners Mar 17th St Vincents
Troy Wilson Feb 5th St Vincents
If any names, dates or locations are wrong...please let me know
P.S. Linda...ya do have the wite to cwy...and I think that's for the childrens hospital

Good morning everyone!
I had a great time last night! It was wonderful to finally get to meet you all. I didn't get to make it to dancing last night. Poor little Hagrid was sick all night til about 2. He does seem to be feeling better this morning. He's so far kept down some water and a couple bites of cottage cheese which is a good thing. I took him for his fill this morning and they said that he had retained a little of the fluid he was given yesterday which is good, and that he's even made it this long is a good sign. Keep those puppy prayers coming- they are working!!!
Linda, You'll be in my prayers as well. I'm sure you'll be bouncing around again in no time!
It made last night twice as nice to know that I should be post op by the next clothing exchange!
Deb, you need to get those "before" pictures up on your profile. I just can't imagine you being anything other than little bitty!