Does Indiana have a law?
Try contacting the State of Indiana Insurance Commission-this is a state governing board that monitors insurance companies to make sure they are operating legally. If there is a law out there regarding insurance....they would know because they are the ones who monitor the companies to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to.
If you find out anything....would be very useful for others on here too who are fighting the good fight

There is a law concerning WLS I had called the Indiana Insurance Board last week but there's also a catch. The Indiana Insurance Board only has a jurisdiction over small insurance companies, I have Indiana Carpenter's Insurance and it's through Anthem. Mine is not covered by state laws it's covered by a federal laws so nothing can be done but there are certain insurances that are covered by state. The way the lady told me is it's the busniess' that go directly through an Insurance Company. It's confusing but do look into it. The phone number is 317-232-2395. Good luck