
TGIF!! This is my last day to work for approx 3 months... I know they are not going to be all fun and games off work... sigh but like WLS... SO WORTH IT!! Now that I have lost alot of the extra weight soon I will "not be walking like a fat lady" and I am told that after a while I will also be PAIN FREE!!! YEA!!!
Give Marianne a verbal Hug for me and tell her welcome to the loosing side!!!
girl, trust me i have the step daughter from hell....she is 27 going on 7, no job, never been held accountable for her actions, sooner tell her dad to go get F$$$ than to not...and never is it addressed, i washed my hands of her before she turned 20 she is not a cute 2 year old, throwing a temper, she has called me every name you can think of...ed and i have dated off and on since 83 and she was only 3 then been living together since about 89 and when we got married in 2000 she called him, called me about every name and wanted to know what they HURRY was...and there goes her inheritance....then with my surgery i was using her dad for his insurance, and i cheated losing weight...DUH....hey this is just a few of the things i have had to deal with...I pray you never have to deal with this, and i blame ed 95 % of it for not addressing it....and for allowing it, i put a stop to it, when she calls i will say things like its your alcoholic daughter, or she must be wanting something, hey i am over it...and i will defend myself...truth hurts is all i let me take my blood pressure meds...
Hope everyone has a happy week end and some of you i will be seeing tomorrow....
Good morning everyone!
I didn't do the treadmil this morning. I know. I'm a bad girl! I just wanted to get in to work and get today over with. I won't be off as long as Linda, but it is great knowing I won't be working much next week (because of my daughter having her baby). I didn't get on the treadmill yesterday either. I just stayed drowsy all day from the endo so I didn't do much of anything.
Hope you all have a great day.
My step-daughter can drive me nuts too. She'll be 30 in June and doesn't care much for the 'w' word She's as lazy as all get out. She is so unlike her dad..and he raised her. I guess she called yesterday for me and is going to give me a call this afternoon. Like Angie, I can't help but to think 'wonder what she wants now'. Oh well, Bill accepts my kids as they are. Tiffany, it's easy to. She's sweet, honest, and hard working. But my son Jay? He's a child nightmare so I know he's gotta rank up there with horrible step-children. He's 23 and I have no idea why he's the way he is either.
(((((((((HUGS)))))))))))everyone!!!!!!!!! Give Marianne a hug for me!!! Now I had the opposite problem with my daughter (a better child you could never ask for)...she has the step-monster from hell
I told my poor ex what goes around...comes around 10 fold...he should have been nicer to me
That woman is the Prozac Poster Child
Thankfully my daughter is grown and away from home for the most part...and she gets along much better with the stop-monster...but it is because she has stopped blaming herself for that woman's psychotic behavior and now she just ignores the nasty barbs sent her way
Now my son on the other hand...he is all boy and while he is sweet..can be annoying when he wanst to be
But at 9...he is still sweet
Give me a few more years and I'll let ya know if I want to shoot him
Happy Friday everyone!!! I am meeting a potential date tonight...wish me luck
See everyone tomorrow!!!!!!!!

I'm pretty new to the board. Just wanted to wish everyone a happy weekend and Good Luck Deb! I always hated first dates, but you have to get through them to have a chance at a second one
I've posted a couple of times about questions, but not really sharing much. I belong to other chat groups in my life that are better to just lurk and not speak. I hope this one is different.
I just had my consult with Dr. Clark yesterday so now I begin the insurance merry-go-round
or should it be
instead!! We will see.

You will really like joining us.. we are here if ya need to laugh or cry and we are human!! we try not to judge but you know opinions... we all got one.. There is NOT ONE of these LOSERS I would not invite into my home.. and you sure can't say that about the rest of the outside world.
Stay around... I know you will learn alot and have loads of encouragement, laughs and fun.