got a letter from insurance need help understanding CONFUSED
i am sorry if i am bothering you all so i will just stop posting because everyone keeps getting an attitude problem and thank you so much nobody ever sent me a website about my insurance so please dont be so rude to other people we come here looking for help and you give us an attitude so this is going to me last post thanks for nothing
I didn't say they sent it to ya...I said they posted it in an earlier must not have seen it. That's why I suggested you read back over your previous post to find her response....she gave the site for your policy and it has the benefits and exclusions.
You are going to be facing an uphill battle and it is frustrating....but truely it one you will have to take on if you want the surgery. It isn't that anyone here is being rude we just don't have any answers for you...we know how hard it is to have to battle with the insurance's a pain in the nether regions...but the only place you can get your answers for the most part is straight from the horses mouth (the insurance company & the insurance coordinator for your surgeon). But I would suggest looking back at your previous posts and getting the website that the other lady (who also has the same coverage I believe)posted.
She may have accidentally tagged it to someone elses post and you may not have seen it. But it is in the post where you gave the name of your policy.
Sorry you haven't been getting the answers you have been looking for...I don't think anyone has meant to be rude (by any means)...we just don't know what to tell you except that you have to appeal. There are sites you can go to that have links you can click on to help you prepare your appeal.
Hope this has helped...once again....I am sorry if you took my previous post as being wasn't meant to be. Just trying to say you need to do some research and leg work to get the correct answers. Speculating on here won't help you get your appeal going. And take a deep takes time to get an appeal in and denied and reappealed and denied and reappealed...(sometimes this happens) be patient and don't give up if it's truely what you want to do.
Good luck on your journey...I truely hope you get approved and get a chance at a better, healthier life.

You are was Aetna. And you have something different. Try calling their toll-free number and just ask them to send you a benefits plan book. That is where you will find the exclusions...and the loopholes if any.
Angie (sweettweety) made up a binder for her appeal-had everything tabbed in it so they knew exactly where everything was...that's a good idea for your appeal.
Whatever you do...make sure you get started on your doctor monitored weight loss program...most companies want those now.
If I come across their benefits plan book (for your hubbys policy) I will pass on the site to you.
Good luck