Good Morning Lovely Ladies and Handsome Gents!
I am still kicking
No temp yet that I know of, my chest is clear but my nose is still drippy and feels like my sinus or a head cold is setting in a little. Not really conjested but enough drainage to keep me coughing a bit. My only plans today is to get my hair trimmed this afternoon and look at Wal Mart for Angies Carb Countdown Milk...looked all over Kroger for it and they don't seem to have it. I want to get my bathroom clean and re do my toenails in a light pink polish as they are red now...and the nurse said it is fine to be painted only a light color....I will miss my red!
I had some mini cripsy cream crullers and sausage gravy and biscuits for my last real breakfast today. Plan on yogart and mashed potatoes for lunch and jello, juice and gingerale for the last supper
I was thrilled to find some frozen juice popcicles made with splenda last night...with me being allergic to Aspertame it is hard to find alot of sugarfree stuff. I know carnation breakfast SF has Aspertame so I don't know what I will do to add to my protein shakes. I got my 1% milk and powdered milk.......goodness it is so expensive for even a little box!! Sheesh!!
Thank you all for your prayers, I am still planning on going and hope they will find me healthy enough to do the surgery. I trust God for my timing. It is not so much I would mind the delay, but there is so much arranging that affects others and I hate being a problem. My parents are coming, Dad is 86, and Mom is 82.....can you believe they have been married 63 years!!
My brother is bringing them from Monticello and my hubby and daughter will be there too. So I have great support. Well....I hope to not be on tomorrows roll call
I will make sure you all hear how it goes.....See you all soon on the losing side!!