Good Morning Everyone,
Home today from work had a really bad pain in my side Tuesday night and called SFWLC yesterday, Dr. wanted me to go to St.Francis and have it checked out. They did blood work, and a catscan and only found a few things, my postassium is low and something irregular about my pancrease. But, nothing to explain the horrible pain in my right side. Dr.'s first thought was a gall bladder, good thought IF I actually had one. Pain is actually gone, just sore from hurting so bad.
Hope everyone has a great day, don't think we are going to see much sunshine today. Looking forward to meeting all of you on Saturday night.
Julie R.
i had horrid pain felt bad, like the darn gall bladder pain....testing was done, all sorts of testing, explority surgery even...nothing, finally dr clark gave me some meds for spasm in my intestines, and now i take one of those should i feel it happening...this pain was way worse than my gall bladder pain...
Good Afternoon Everyone!
I had to take a proctored exam this morning, for a designation that I'm trying to get. That was fun.... all essay questions!
I went to Target and bought a bathing suit for my trip and then went to Shoe Carnival to get a new pair of K Swiss to wear w/ jeans. I'm going tanning a bit later and then to my family doctor. Fun day!