Thinking of the surgery in dayton , Ohio?
hello ladies again.
A dayton clinic called and was trying to recruit me for the surgery.
It sounds good she said the doctor gets you off the table in one hour. and with that your recovery time is less. She was telling me that she knows she would be considered out of network but the surgeon doesn't take money from the patient what ever the insurance company pays they are happy with that and won't take any out of pocket expense even the deductable is waved. You guys ever heard of it. it is in downtown dayton. Only 2.5 hours away and my parents only live 45 minutes from there. So I am seriously thinking of having it done in dayton. I really like no out of pocket expense.
Thanks for imput
I would run from anyone who "guarantees" how long you will be on the table....sounds cheesy. There is no reputable surgeon who prides himself on getting patients off the table in an hour or less...#1 how do they know what is going to happen? #2, with that kind of haste...I have to wonder how many nicked bowels this guy has had
I would recommend that you find a reputable surgery center and staff. The Indy area has several....St Vincents, St Francis and Franklin all 3 have great programs with great follow-up (the most important thing after surgery). You have to realize this surgery is dangerous....death being the worse result....but other things can go wrong....and my first concern would making sure I woke up after surgery and got to go home...some people have not been so lucky. So seriously consider your safety and not the cost when dealing with your choice for the surgery. Also keep in mind that you don't have to have a referral to contact a bariatric center. Whoever you choose can get your medical records from your previous physician.
Aetna does cover WLS...most companies cover it...HOWEVER, many employers are forced to take cheaper insurance policies to help cut the high cost of running a business and all insurance companies offer 'packages' to employers which have certain uncovered procedures to make the 'package' less expensive. It seems WLS is surgery is one exclusion they like to put in those cheaper packages (which are still big bucks for the employers).
Good luck with your surgery....and vist the memorial page here on OH. This reminds us of the risks involved and just how danerous this surgery can be...I myself would always pick the most skilled surgeons to operate on me...and the after-care needs to be adequate or you will have done it all for nothing. It still requires a diet afterwards and if you don't have a good follow-up will regain your weight.
Hope this helps!
Good luck on your journey and please be safe in your decision

It has to be medically neccesary. Did you read those Aetna posts? One of them said they had a written exclusion but got around it because of medical neccessity. I would say pick a bariatric center (St Francis is closest to ya...but St Vincents is good is Dr Lindsey in Franklin..south of Indy). Then let the insurance co-ordinator send in your package for approval..then go from there. Speculating on here is a waste of one can give you answers except the insurance company...they will let ya know if they approve ya or not...if they don't...then you deal with the appeal to show that you need the surgery for medical reasons....just make sure you have your documents for your co-morbidities....sore joints, diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, etc, etc.
I will keep you in my thoughts on your journey...and pray you get them to approve your has been a life saver for me
RNY 7/28/04

Please be careful; I had a friend pass away from a "quicky" Bariatric Surgery & no aftercare. She ended up getting sent home right afterward;had a stroke;caught phneumonia & then had a blood clot in her lung that caused her death.All with in a week from her surgery.She was only in the Hospital 8 hrs. That is way to fast, & dangerous!!!(MY OPINION!) I miss her bright smile. She was only 30.
Try to seek out the hospitals /Drs. here in Indiana. I have to agree with everyone else. This is MAJOR surgery- with MAJOR complications. You want a Dr. & Hosptial team that can take care of what ever might come up. (NOT saying it will happen; just have to be realistic.)
I had to attend 10 SG meetings( 2 a month); go to counciling; & have enough comorbidities before my Ins. would approve me. It took 2 yrs.;an appeal by myself & PCP; but I did finally get approved. Call the Bariatric Center for Weight Loss Excellance at Carmel-St.Vincents; St. Francis Hospital ;or Franklin Hospital & ask about the free consultations they have. They will help you with your Ins. & know more about the in's & outs of it.
I wish you the best in whatever you decide,
Anita lost her best friend in California right after a walk in the hospital... thats why Anita slowed down and is trying different routes first.. God love her I don't know what I would have done if i had lost my best friend this way...
This was about a week or so before MY surgery... dont know what I would have done if I didnt have fait in ST V's..
Even my KNEE surgery is slated to take 2 hours..
I went for an informational at his office today there were about 20 of us there. It was from 9-2 he answered alot of questions. But the only thing I don't like is He talked about how there were things on the internet that did not represent him well and that you can't believe everything you hear on the internet That is fine I do believe that somebody disgruntled can tarnish someone without having just cause but the one headline I found under google search well maybe just read it for yourself.
what do you think?