6 weeks post -op
Hi all,
Had my 6 week post-op check yesterday, and down 27 lbs. I was a little upset with the weight loss, but Dr. Cacucci said 27 lbs in 6 weeks, if you did that every 6 weeks you'd be down 108 pounds in 6 months and that's not realistic for me. So all is well. I had stomach flu last week and kept trying to throw up but nothing would come up. She said that it was because the flu was in my old stomach, and since there's nothing there you can't throw up but will still have dry heaves. Unbelieveable. Also My mother- in- law passed away Sunday night after a valiant fight against breast cancer. please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers, it was extremly hard for my husband to go through this process of watching a parent die, she had mets to the brain and they told her and us on Dec 7, that she only had weeks to live. My husband is so thankful he got to tell her how much she ment to him, and how much he loved her. He is 35 and both his parents are gone now. so sad. I will post pictures soon.
~ Sarah
My heart goes out to you & your family. I lost both of my parents 17 days apar****ching a loved one pass is very hard, but try to remember the good times, & love she gave to you all.She is no longer in pain, & at peace.
27# is really great!
I know we all wish for a huge loss that first time we go to the Drs. Everyone's body is differant. You are doing so well; just keep on doing all you are suppose to, & the # will come off!!!

27 pounds is great!!! I know I know... we all wanted it to be 50.. acually I wanted to step on the scales the first time and find it all gone..(still do) was sorry to see only 22...
You are doing fine and it will be gone before you know it!! Ask Deb I was an old worry wart about not loosing fast enough.. I hate waiting for anything.
So sorry about your hubbys loss.. I lost my mom and I dont care how old you are.. it HURTS to loose a parent!!

So sorry for your loss
I lost my mom to lung cancer in 2001....was very hard the first year...gets easier with time.
Way to go on the weight loss....just keep plugging away....some people lose fast...some slow. I was dissappointed when I was not at the 100 pound mark by my 6th month....but now I am 18 months out (Saturday) and I am down 146 pounds...and still loosing that last 10 pounds (the hard ones
But everyone on here who is 6 or more months out know exactly how you feel and how impatient you are to be a year out and to have the majority of the weight gone!! We all wanted to wake up thin the day after surgery
And for those waiting on the surgery....the impatience is NOTHING compared to the waiting for the weight to come off AFTER ya have surgery

Hi Sarah,
My deepest sympathy on your loss. The pain lessons with time but the memories will always be a comfort.
Congratulations on your 27 pounds! That is fantastic. I am only 8 days out and I can't wait for 27 pounds to be off my body. In fact, at 6 weeks I will be leaving for Daytona for bike week and can't wait to surprise my brother in SC with my newer bod! None of my siblings or parents know! I kept it a secret. They will all be shocked. Keep up the good work and take care of yourself during this stressful time.
Cindy from Michigan City