Dinner & Dancing Feb 4th
Hey all....we have finally come up with a meeting place for dinner on Saturday Feb 4th.
This is open to everyone....no need to ask if you are included...if ya reading this board...then come on down!!!!
We are meeting at 7PM at Indy's Family Restaurant
2544 S Lynhurst
Indianapolis IN 46241
After dinner we will be heading north on Lynhurst to the 8 Second Saloon, which is located just north of Rockville Rd on Lynhurst. (465 westside to Rockville Rd East. Take Rockville Rd to Lynhurst (about 1/2 mile). Turn Left (north) on Lynhurst. 8 Second Saloon is located next to the Marsh (on your right).
Also...just wanted to let everyone know....Dawn Smith has claimed the missing ring...it is her step-mother's ring...so I will be getting that back to Dawn and alls well that ends well!!
Everyone come on out and join us on the 4th!!! Great idea Heather!! We needed a night out dancing
And this will be Miss Linda's night out for a while before her knee surgery...so come on out and have a good time and give Miss Linda some hugs and visit with everyone and have a good old time!!!!
There is a cheap hotel just 2 miles south of the bar...and some pricey ones...but just to let ya know...the Motel 6 is pretty cheap...Especially if 2 people split the bill...and it's very close. Since this is near the airport...lots of places to stay...and Heather has opened her house to anyone wanting to spend the night too (what a sweetheart!!)