Good morning Courtney & Sherri
Good morning everyone!!! Taking my vitamins and drinking my coffee. It's off to the field for me today...driving out east then out west...lots of miles
Angie is coming by after work then we are headed to St V's to meet Leah, deliver 2 gift bags and eat dinner. Full day ahead!!!
Don't forget to eat!!!! Happy day all!!!!!!!

Good Morning Fellow Goddesses and Handsome Gents!
was feeling pretty wonderful until that darn alarm and 2 snoozes woke me!
I wish I could sit here and work form home in my pajamas!! You lucky Girl!! But...I am so thankful that I have a wonderful job to go to that I love doing! Not everyone gets to be a Front Desk Superstar!!
At least the weather doesn't look bad so.......off to my shower and beauty tricks!! Got to make my scary self presentable! You all have a Fantastic Day! Keep Blooming!

it would be a happier tuesday IF i could have stayed in bed, and not have too go out in this weather, but hey thats life ehh??? lol I have such a busy day in store, i always tell people I dont work, but thats a lie lolol...being a stay at home mom is more work than when i was working a full 40 hr job a week!!
Good Morning Everyone! I'm slowly climbing out from under all the work here in the office with payroll taxes and such. I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I too wish I could work from home. I got really comfortable with that while I was off with my surgery, certainly could make that one a habit.
Julie R.
Gee I feel guilty by getting up at 7:30 this morning....which is early for me. I am a bit sore this morning, Ann and I started doing pool exercises at the YMCA yesterday. Got to get these old joints going again.
I have a busy day today also, I am developing a new training course for our Church called "Evangelism Inside the Church" that I will be teaching in the spring. I am doing my power point slides and getting my handouts all written. It gives me something to do in all my spare time, ha ha.
My Pastor is coming for a working lunch today and we are putting together the final touches on our Feb Newsletter. It also gives us a chance to share some ideas on where we are going in our ministries.
Well everyone have a great day today and put some sunshine in your life even though the weather is gloomy.
I guess getting up at 5 and going back to bed until 8:30 ,makes me the winner!!! I have to shower now and I am off to the hospital for presurgery tests!!
Cacucci yelled (in her way) at me for my vitamin choice.. so I put it in an ounce of water and it was melted in less than 5 minutes!!! It will NOT come out whole!!! I am going to call her!!! I had to test how right she was!! NOT