Medical Necessity
Yeah...what Angie said
Just get a Letter of Medical Neccesity from your doctor listing your co-morbidities and it needs to say that the WLS is medically neccesary to reduce or eliminate the other problems...the doctor knows what to your WLS surgeons office and have them send the letter.
Hope this helps

Yup, that is what happened to me the first time I applied. I had a Dr. who didn't write down my visits for diet,weight,etc. I would definatly call your PCP & ask them to give you a copy of your wt. loss efforts;meds;& all the things they have documented for the past yr.or 2,that might be from your weight. ( I had to write out every diet I had been on in the past 5 yrs.;my comorbidities, & why I felt I needed to have surgery.)
Just a thought-
Do you go to the Support Groups? It did help me to get the info I needed; & to support my decision. I got a "proof of attendance" letter at each one, which I had to fax to my Surgeon, & Ins. for 10 months-2 times a month. I must say it helped me so much to hear how people coped afterward; get my "pre-opt" qustions answered; know that I made the right choise; & make new friends along the way.
I wish you all the best in your journey.