Monday Roll Call
Good morning everyone!
I had planned on getting up at 4 this morning and tan & do 2 miles on the treadmill before coming into work but....snoozed it till 5:30!
Oh well, maybe I'll be better tomorrow.
All of my grandkids so far has a birthdate exactly 4 months and 1 day apart. Chance's is Jan. 13, Myranda's is May 14th, and Shyanne's is Sept. 15th. If grandchild #4 stays in step with his brother, sister, and cousin, today will be his birth date!! We just passed a full moon on the 14th, so who knows? Could be today. Tiffany's due date per the doctor isn't until Feb. 12th but per her last sonogram Jan. 25th. If she doesn't go in labor before then, the doc is doing a c-section on Feb. 5th (which is a full moon). The baby is breach, so it will be a 'c'. Anyway, I am really hoping it is today!! LOL! Tiff hemoraged with the last one and was told it was because she carried her for too long so it makes us all nervous for Tiff to go beyond the 25th (the sonogram's due date). Besides, I just wanna see that new grandson!
Hope you all have a terrific day!

Since we have a baby in the family that's only 4 months old, my anxiousness over this one has more to do with my concern for my daughter than wanting to hold this young man. He's been breach (butt, not feet) since ~6 months into the pregnacy so we aren't holding our breath for him to decide to turn around now. Since Tiffany has a tendency to have difficult births, I am so glad this will be her last one! They are going to do a tubal when they do the c-section. I'm just hoping she gets through this without hemoraging again.
No call from the expectant mom yet....

Good Morning Everyone!
I hope you all are having a great Monday. I am really excited today, I'm finally under 230 pounds. YIPEE!! I honestly cannot remember the last time that I weighed less than 200 lbs. I'm actually going to get to onderland. It now seems like a reality instead of a dream.
Sheri~ I no longer try to work out in the am. I would love to be able to, but I end up snoozing every time so I now just plan on the afternoon.
Its just too hard to get out of bed before 5am when it is dark and cold outside.
Take care!!

I've tried the route of saying that I'd do the treadmill when I get home from work...and it never happens. So...I just have to get my butt out of bed. Once I get in the swing of doing it, it'll be no problem. It's just that first morning. Ah well! I'll give it anoter go in the morning.