clothing exchange and get together...whens the date again????
I missed the post about the date and time...can someone tell me so i can make sure my calender is free...I REALLY REALLY WANNA COME....but being a mommy of 4, sometimes the calender is full
once i know when it is...ill let u know if im coming and what food im bringing....will i be the only pre op person there????

Probably not the only pre-op...please come.
january 21, 2005
Mooresville Free methodist Church Fellowship room
20 Star Lane
Mooresville IN
Hosted by Linda and Hoosier Loosers (all of you)
831-3501 after 5 Pm
Arrive at 11 set your offerings out. then pitch in lunch/ brunch
12:00 approx start shopping.. no early shopping. no early drop offs
Please bring clean stylish clothing that you would be proud to take home yourself if you choose it.