What are you bringing to the exchange?
Hi everyone....just trying to get a list of foods being brought to the exchange and an idea of how many will be there....so please post and let us know who is coming....and what food you are bringing (not a requirement..just getting an idea
I will be bringing Crystal-Lite to drink and cups and ice.
I am also bringing size 14 clothing...

Ann and I will be there even if we have the 3 grandkids next weekend. We are suppose to have them, but my son's workschedule changes all the time. The only reason we would miss it was if it snows, etc.
We plan on bringing a plate of cheese chunks and pineapple on a stick (toothpick) and crackers with various toppings like chicken salad, crab salad, etc.
Also bringing some of my big mens clothing.
i just cracked up on your pineapple on a stick...how funny it was when i read it...shoot heck if i know...what to bring i can not get enough fruit or cheese for some reason...as i eat some grapes..suppose i could bring some grapes on a stick....LMAO..only thing would be i would put one on a stick and eat 2...lol..how about a bowl...oh hey i can bring warmers if needed...oooh how about some home made salsa and chips...
anyone want a gassy ****er? i have about had it...lol
Since the church is set up for it.. I am going to bring my chicken chunks again.. chicken chunks in cheese sauce...I'll just put them in the crock pot and keep them warm.. and plates.
I have sixe 24-20-18 and 16's I am brining.. I found I can wear all the panties Sherri brought at Christmas so I actually threw away my old ones!!! YEA no more baggy drawers..
And some of rons 38's Jeans & Pants
Im bringing size 20, 22 and a couple 24s and my mom is donating some smaller sizes like probably 8 and maybe a few size large shirts. I wanted to ask if we can bring shoes? or should i just take them to goodwill? Also can some one post directions again... i know its been posted once but i cant find them.
as far as food i dont know what i am bringing yet.. i will see what every one else posts and then i will bring what isnt listed.
I haven't decided what I am bringing yet either. I still have to go through my clothing too! I have so much and I am needing to get rid of a bunch of it to make some room for some new clothing!
When it gets closer I should be able to figure out what I am bringing...who knows....maybe I will make my dessert that everyone loved last time!

Wow...sounds like it's going to be a great turn out, lots of clothes and lots of yummy foods!!! Thanks everyone for making the exchanges such a success.
I wasn't sure after my first 2 if they were going to be successful or not...but thanks to all of you...you have made them so much better than I ever thought they could be.
If anyone has items to donate for the WLS bags...feel free to bring them to the exchange. We are no longer doing "baskets" and have switched to medium sized gift bags...easier to carry when we have to deliver more than 2 at a time. Items for the bags?
Instant Oatmeal, cream of wheats,soups,instant breakfast,protein samples (mixes or bars),sugar free items like jello, pudding, crystal-lite
Body sprays, lotions, bath gels
2 year calendars (for loosers to chart their weight loss)
Photo albums
Sippy cups
Baby spoons
2 ounce medicine cups (they have nice little condiment cups at fast food places and restraurants with little lids...pick up extras when you see them
Anything else you can think of that you found useful your first few months out.
Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!! Love you all