EGD tomorrow
Hello all,
Please say a little prayer for me.
My scope is tomorrow (1-13) at 1:15. I am a little nervous, ok a lot nervous.
My DH is going with me to hold my hand. I am working up until the time to go to registration so hopefully that will keep my mind off of things. After this if everything is ok I see the surgeon and get a sugery date on the 19th. Wish me luck.

Oh dont worry, My daughter has had 7 strictures and had to be streached with the EGD. No biggie, infact she kinda likes enjoys going under, just a twilight. She never had any pain or problems durring any of the procedures. She was on first name basis with the nurses since she was there so much. If it wasnt for the cost she would probably go forthe pure enjoyment of the short term memory block, it makes her laugh and gitty. I like to pinch her nose or ask her the same question about 10 times, she talks out her @$#. Dont be scared its better than being in the pain of a stricture which is quite painful. Hers were all done at St. Vincents, in Carmel by Dr. Gupta (wonderful person). Good luck keep us posted! Rosemary and Harmonie
Dr. Gupta is a terrific surgeon and fantastic with the endo's. I've had 12 strictures and 14 endo's. Has Dr. Gupta started injecting the stoma with steroids on your daughter? She may want to ask about it. I was at a point of having weekly to bi-monthly endo's. I was going to be on vacation for 10 days so Dr. Gupta used the steroid. After 1 more follow-up injection of steroids, strictures stopped.
I wish your daughter lots of luck!
I used to dread the upper endo.. If I had known it was so easy I would have had my surgery YEARS ago!! I like the drugs too...The only test I didnt like is WAY before surgery they did a check in my esophgus (sp) and inserted a bravo probe to see if I had reflux.. the bad part was they went down my nose and I have a deviated septum. (spell).. Yes, I admit it there IS some deviate in me after all... my NOSE!!! (wonder if I should register it??)