Hi Everyone! I had my three month check up and both, the dietician and Dr. Jones were very pleased with the progress that I have been blessed with. Dr. Jones says that I should go by my top weight of 465 pounds as my official starting weight, because I actually weighed that and have had to loose from that point. So, as of today, I have been blessed with loosing 102 pounds in twelve weeks! THANK YOU, JESUS, FOR THIS MIRACLE! Dr. Jones thinks that I will be down to 300 pounds by the time I go back to her in three months for my six month check up. In the last six weeks, I have averaged: 752 Calories a day; 28 grams of Fat a day; 54 grams of Carbs a day; 67 grams of Protein a day, and 60 -72 oz of liquid a day. They said I could now try carbonated drinks if I want to; I can now have raw vegetables and salad; I can now add another ounce to each meal if I want to. Dr. Jones would prefer that I keep the ounces to the three so as to not slow down the progress that is being accomplished. I have been blessed with loosing almost 20 pounds, just since Christmas, and I believe the Lord is blessing the physical activity that I have been trying to do each day. I am really enjoying playing racquetball at the youth center. I can play it by myself and it really is a cardio workout. It is wonderful to find something that you really enjoy doing so much that you don't think of it as exercising!
I sure didn't feel this good on the way UP at 363!
Another praise is that I was able to drive all the way to Carmel and back!!! Hallelujah! Thank You, Lord!
And thank each and every one of YOU for your encouragement and love! Love you all!
-102 pounds/213 pounds to go