Still Waiting!!

Hi Carla,
I'm right there with ya girlfriend...still waiting...I have been waiting since August my first denial on Nov. 28th, second denial on Dec. 20th...Then I submitted an appeal on Dec. 22nd...and I am still waiting. It is so frustrating when you meet all the critia and they take their sweet ol' time reviewing the case. It seem like every journey I read has BCBS and had no problems...I have BCBS and seem to be getting the run around. Very hard to be patient...I was hoping to have surgery last month over Christmas I suppose I will have to wait until Spring Break or worse yet next Christmas at the pace...
Good Luck to ya,

Thank you...sometimes I have wondered if these people are real...I have never had anyone respond to my posts...thanks a bunch. and thanks to Linda for the words of encouragement. I have heard all of those, I have prayed faithful each day...I have prayed for patience and I think I have been very patient...I have only called once a month since August...but when I get back from vacation next week, they're going to wish they had answered me when I called once a month...not everyday like its going to be. Have a great week...I'm headed for the Sunshine State for a week...