Good morning, I am here, but getting ready to go back to bed, I had my endo scope yesterday, I asked them to give me something so I don't get so sick they did but man it wiped me out. I was so tired, very... I did dinner for the kids and ate a little of it and to bed I went and when this morning came I felt so slugish and out of it , I was afraid I would make mistakes today at work so I had to take a emercy vacation day, I didn't want to miss today, but to slow. I would still rether be to tired then vomiting. I don't remember any of yesterday. I think my son try to take advantage of that, I am sure I told him to be home at 7 but he insite I said 9, but how do I know .... And he knews that. So he got me on this one. LOL. Well I am going to lay back down for a few hours and then try to get my liquid and proten in oh that is a nother reason why I didn't go to work, I only ate chili yesterday at about 5 pm and drank maybe 16 oz of water. So I want to try to catch up today. I didn't even take any vit. or meds yesterday. Well see you all on later.

I'm here
Ready to enjoy this lovely day!!!!!!!!!!! I will be driving today...couldn't ask for better January weather!!!!
I have slumped under 1000 calories a day again this week...twice now. I had stopped writing down my meals in my food diary...going to start again today...it seems to help me to not skip meals