Hello from Muncie
I am just starting the process of gathering information. I am not sure if I'd want the lap band however in Muncie that is all that is done here. I'd have to go to Indy for other types of surgery. I applied for the Healthy Indiana Plan today. I don't have insurance and the bariatric center here told me I can't attend a seminar until I have insurance. I am thinking I'd rather go to St. Vincent in Carmel instead. Has anybody been there for weight loss surgery? I chose Anthem for my plan for HIP. I hope I made the right choice. My BMI is 55.8. My weight is 305 pounds. I am 5'2" tall. I have Type 2 diabetes and take Metformin and Glimepiride. I have hypertension and take a blood pressure pill. I have sleep apnea and use a CPaP at night. I have hypothyroidism and take Levothyroxin for it. I have GERD and take Zantac for that. I think I am also getting the diabetic nerve damage in my right hand because it hurts all the time. I am 52 years old and it is time to do something about this...
I had my surgery at St V Carmel 11 years ago before they opened up the Center of Excellance. I didn't care for my surgeon (he has since retired), but the hospital itself is ok. I prefer the doctors at Community North. If you could get in with either Dr John Ditslear or Dr Rose Marie Jones, they are awesome. Dr. Jones used to be at St V Carmel and left to start program at Community North. I had her as a doctor there at St V Carmel, she is very good at what she does. Dr Ditslear left Clarian North to join her at Community North. He is a specialist and is who I see still. I have blind loop syndrome. He saved my life. I highly recommend them!!!!!
Good luck in your journey. Don't give up! And please take your vitamins!!!!!
Stephanie E
I have Healthy Indiana Plan-Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. I am scheduled for surgery at St. Vincent in Carmel on June 12. I am 5'2" and 297 lbs, 46 yrs old, BMI is 54.3. I have GERD, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and pre diabetic. I have a cpap and take meds for the other. I am in Evansville. I am having the duodenal switch with Dr. Inman. She is one of less than 100 in the world that does this type of surgery. I encourage you to read everything you can on this surgery. With all of the cormorbidities you have plus the high BMI I think this surgery would benefit you the most. It has a higher percentage of getting rid of the hpb, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol. You will have quite a few vitamins to take every day forever. You will also need to eat a lot of protein and fat every day. Go to DSfacts.com and Bariatricfacts.org these 2 sites have so much information on the DS.
Also it took me less than 100 days from attending the surgeons seminar to date of surgery.
on 5/28/14 11:20 am
So you did not need six months of supervised diet? Or had you already done that step?
Here is an update on me: I got the Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield through the Healthy Indiana Plan. It started today and I wasted no time. I have an appointment scheduled with Brenda Cacucci, MD at St. Vincent Carmel for August 6th. I am excited to say the least. I am going to start a high protein/low carb diet. I am also going to cut out all soda pop and caffeine and try to utilize my Planet Fitness membership. I am having issues with tennis elbow and don't know how much I can do but I am going to at least ride the bike.
It is shortly after midnight and today is the day for my seminar visit. I am about to go to bed so I can get up early and get a shower, do my hair, and pick up my apartment some before my daughter comes for me. My son is going with me since we live together and he will be the one who is around most of the time after surgery. I am hoping I get approved quickly.
I went to my appointment with Dr. Cucucci. She is a very nice woman. I love her. She accepted me for an RNY. I have my psych appointment on the 29th of Aug. I don't have to do the supervised weight loss thing beforehand. I only have to do the preop testing and the pre surgery nutrition class. It was also recommended that I attend a support group meeting before surgery.
Good luck to you! My insurance approved me within 24 hours...I was SHOCKED! I had my psych evaluation at St. Vincent's last month, and had my pre-op clearance testing down in Logansport this past week. Unfortunately, I have some issues I need to get cleared up before they can approve me. :(
I hope everything goes well for you!!
Here is an update: I went to see the psychologist on Friday and I am not happy with his requirements. I have to wait 3 months before they will submit it to my insurance company. During this time I have to get my sleeping habits regulated to where I am not napping during the day. I have to lose some weight. I guess the 10 pounds I've already lost since my visit with the surgeon doesn't count for anything. I also have to attend 3 support group meetings and I have to continue with my regular therapist and have her send a report to him in 3 months saying that we have made progress with my diet and exercise. Oh and I have to start a regular exercise plan. I walk to the mailbox and back like 5 times a day and that obviously wasn't good enough either. I am really discouraged.

HW: 315 GW: 150 CW: about 230 (I don't have scales)