Lifestyle Discovery Class???
I went to a class at St Vincents in Carmel before my WLS, but it was not called this. Probably the same class though. It was interesting and informative. I got all sorts of papers with info for after WLS lifestyle and vitamin, and eating issues, so I made a "Bible" . I still use it constantly to remind me of certain things. Congratulations on starting the journey to good health!

I have been put on hold for 6 weeks by St. V. told my paperwork hadn't arrived. this was untrue. I was being given the runaround. For What reason? I will never know but MY opinion of the bariatric center. Well before this date I would have recommended them to anyone, now not so much. I don't mind being patient to to be right out told for 6 weeks that a faxed report hasn't come in yet when its been sitting on a nurses desk for at least 4 weeks is unethical. I will never recommend but hope to get this "lifestyle class done with and the surgery behind me. I have been put on hold for 2 years with "do this" now "go here" that I hope I can relax get finished with St v and never... well:] Otherwise, there are hundreds of other WLS clinic in the US and abroad, right? smooches