Terre Haute
Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself. I have been on the RNY message boards here for awhile, but just realized there is also state message boards lol. I am from Terre Haute and am having RNY surgery at st. vincents bariatric center of excellence in Carmel with Dr. Diaz. I was just approved by my insurance monday and am awaiting a date. Is anyone else from Terre Haute or having their surgery in Carmel?
I go to the St Vincent Support Group in Bloomington, it is about 30 miles form my home, but 20 from work. They meet monthly. I had a great hospital experience. I was in from Weds until the following Sat. They would have let me go on Friday but wanted to get my Blood Sat levels up higher. I just walked and slept mainly. I do not think I even watched TV or read my book. I tried to be sure and get up every 2 hours to walk, including during the night if I woke up (which you will). They were wonderful about giving me meds for pain when I needed it. I had no problems with my surgery or my recovery. My last labs do show I am low in iron, but I have not been taking a suppliment. Also I am having some Gall Bladder issues, which they will tell you is very common when you lose weight fast. I am so happy with my life now. I am off all my medications for HPB, High Cholestrol, Diabeties, and no more Sleep Apnea! I can go up stairs without huffing and puffing. I can walk and still tak at the same time! And I enjoy the walking now. It feels great. I always hated to exercise before, now I love to walk. I cannot say enough about how this has improved my life.

Hey there...
I am from Terre Haute and had my surgery last June. I love my RNY. I had my surgery at St. Vincents and received excellent care there. If you want to get together over lunch sometime and talk let me know. I would consider it an honor to be able to encourage, support and pray for you daily! Let me know....
I am from Terre Haute and had my surgery last June. I love my RNY. I had my surgery at St. Vincents and received excellent care there. If you want to get together over lunch sometime and talk let me know. I would consider it an honor to be able to encourage, support and pray for you daily! Let me know....
wow thats so cool! I am expecting my date to be very close to the same, since I am supposed to get my date 2morrow, heck we might be in the hospital at the same time! lol Keep me updated on everything! what kind of tests did they set up for you for before surgery, or have they yet? I will def. friend you :)