Checking in
Hey there everyone. I'm finally getting a chance to log on to the Indiana board and check in. Thank you all for your prayers. They are working. Noah was born on Wednesday 3/24 at 0106 at 36 weeks gestation via c/section. He has been in the NICU since birth because he inhaled a lot of amniotic fluid and was breathing way too fast and requiring oxygen for a while. He is now off the oxygen and eating bottles by mouth. Some times he is too tired to eat much formula, so he gets the remainder of his required formula down a feeding tube. That's our main issue right now. He has to eat better before we can go home. I'm recovering well. Think I overdid it a bit the first day or two and have paid for it. I am taking my vicodin like a good girl now and feeling better. I will be released from the hospital tomorrow, but plan on staying in Noah's room with him. As much as I miss Joshua and Zachary, I feel like I need to be here with Noah for now. Hoping it won't be too long and we'll all be home together.
I would love visitors if anyone is up this way. We are at Clarian North. NICU is on the 3rd floor. Noah has tons of OH family that he is dying to meet! :)
Take care.
Check out my WLS blog at:

I am glad you were able to post on the Indiana board. I have been reading all I see about little Noah. He has certainly made life exciting (and not always in a good way) for you and your family since the day he was conceived, hasn't he? It is so wonderful that he is improving so rapidly. Yes, I say 'rapidly'. My brother was born 3 months 1969. It's amazing what they were able to do for him to be able to thrive back then. Medicine has made some huge discoveries since then so I have complete confidence that Mr. Noah is going to grow up into a strong, healthy young man. After that first year, no one would had ever guessed that my brother Pete was a preemie. Noah won't have any signs of it either.
I'm anxious to be able to meet well as Joshua and Zachary. I've been working alot so I've barely had time to breathe (going in again today even..on a Sunday!). Perhaps it's healthier for Noah this way. I would hate to be feeling fine today and go see him, not knowing I'd show symptoms tomorrow for a cold or other bug. We'll just have to trust his loving Mommy to give him lots of hugs and kisses from all of his OH aunts and uncles.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Love and Prayers
Linda kay