Melissa and Noah
Hey all. I'm here. Sorry it has taken so long to post an update. Computer access has been iffy at best. It's currently 12:24 am, almost 24 hours since Noah arrived. I woke up and walked down to see Noah in the NICU. It's so hard to have him here and not with me. We thought he'd be out to my room in the AM, but sure isn't looking that way. He isn't on oxygen, but has an oxygen cannula with air for the flow to help support his fast breathing. He has only been tube fed so far because he's breathing too fast to let him bottle feed. Initially they thought everything was related to the fluid he inhaled during delivery, but now they're wondering if he's got some preemie lung issues starting out too. I really thought he'd be coming home with me, but honestly I"m not so sure. I hate that because we're at Clarian North and I won't be able to drive to come up and see him. Not sure what we'll do about that.
Otherwise, I'm recovering amazingly from my c/section. I asked to get my IV, catheter, etc out. I've been up walking since mid day (shocking and amazing everyone). I've only taken Toradol and Tylenol for pain and I'm doing ok. I hate the feeling that narcotics give me, so I'm avoiding it if I can. I know that without my WLS, I would not be doing this well. Thanks everyone for the prayers, keep sending them up on Noah's behalf. He's absolutely beautiful and can't wait to meet his OH family if anyone decides to come visit!! :) We've not had anyone up so far since all the family is out of town and I have to admit, it's so hard not to share pictures, etc with everyone we know. I have no way to get my pics from my camera onto this computer.
PS, would someone please copy and paste this post on the IN board, I can't navigate this touch screen computer to get to it. Thanks!!
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, due April 19, 2010!!Ready to begin my rebirth! Check out my WLS blog at:
*Jana..thank you for copying Melissa's post to here.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Kerry, thanks for your note. I will still be here on Tuesday, so if you PM me your last name, etc, I'll come check on you after your surgery! And of course, Noah would love to meet you too, when you feel up to it!
Check out my WLS blog at: