Noah's getting anxious!
So, I've been having tons of contractions lately and the back pain is getting out of control. I've never felt this lousy at this stage of my pregnancies before. I went to the OB yesterday for my appt and filled him in. He decided to check me. Cervix is still closed but his exact words were, "His head is RIGHT there." This is worrisome for us all as I'm not even 34 weeks yet. He cut my hours back at work and is going to start seeing me weekly for non stress tests. Also informed me to call ASAP if things change/get worse. Last night was bad, contractions every 6-8 minutes for a couple of hours, but they let up when I went to bed. I'm pretty nervous that Noah's not going to stay put until he's supposed to. I'd be happy to hit 36 weeks, but we'll see.
Also, Zachary is having surgery on Monday morning, tonsils and adenoids out and new tubes in his ears. Please say prayers for us all! Gonna be a long week.
Also, Zachary is having surgery on Monday morning, tonsils and adenoids out and new tubes in his ears. Please say prayers for us all! Gonna be a long week.
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010
Check out my WLS blog at:

Check out my WLS blog at:

Yep, he never leaves us without tons of laughs!
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010
Check out my WLS blog at:

Check out my WLS blog at:

Wow,you do have a rough time ahead for you. I will be praying for all of you. My middle daughter kept me up more than a few nights with false labor, and she was also a "right there" baby! She is the same one that had her tonsils out at age 5 and she was up and running in no time. (she is also my hyperactive child!) I hope all goes OK for Zachary and that Noah hangs in there (literally) for awhile longer.