Annoying weight loss issue
Ok, maybe it's just me, but does anyone else have trouble shaving their arm pits now that you've lost weight? My arm pits are totally a different shape and I really struggle to get all the stubble off. Just my gripe for the day! :)
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010
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Check out my WLS blog at:

Melissa-lets see- arm flab-
check; hairy legs-check
;-big belly-check
; preggers- Not
!! hee~hee
!!! Yes, my arms a really flabby and I have to move the skin and razor around to get all those strays. One of the not so great
side benefits of becoming smaller

(((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#
Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


Here's the drill: razor in right hand, reach up and place left hand on back of neck, then bring your left elbow forward until the armpit area is more flat. This will make it easier to shave and get all the stubble.
Now that you have lost weight you know why they are called arm PITS.
Now after you have had a breast lift and augmentation you will find the hair-growing area of the armpit has relocated somewhat and is now lower and more toward the front. (TMI ?)
Now that you have lost weight you know why they are called arm PITS.
Now after you have had a breast lift and augmentation you will find the hair-growing area of the armpit has relocated somewhat and is now lower and more toward the front. (TMI ?)
I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...
Heck.. I think I just quit growing hair under there.. I look in the mirror everyonce in a while and dont see any... hope I dont need new glasses!! But wow the flappy arms!!!
OH FYI.. for the little irritatrion you can get because the skin on your belly has created an apron... I use medicated dandruff shampoo there and it clears it right up!! also good for under the arms.. =great to use a little after washing my hair..Hows THAT for TMI?? lol
Linda Kay
OH FYI.. for the little irritatrion you can get because the skin on your belly has created an apron... I use medicated dandruff shampoo there and it clears it right up!! also good for under the arms.. =great to use a little after washing my hair..Hows THAT for TMI?? lol
Linda Kay
I had a doctor tell me to use Selson Blue for the belly rash (pre-plastics). It took care of the rash but...caused me to get a yeast infection!! So....while that works well for the rash, I'd really recommend washing those areas at the sink and removing the soap as well as you can and then jump in the shower & use regular soap in there, especially if you're prone to get yeast infections from antibiotics.
I had a doctor tell me to use Selson Blue for the belly rash (pre-plastics). It took care of the rash but...caused me to get a yeast infection!! So....while that works well for the rash, I'd really recommend washing those areas at the sink and removing the soap as well as you can and then jump in the shower & use regular soap in there, especially if you're prone to get yeast infections from antibiotics.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...