Sat Morning
Well it is very early and I should be in
but this cough woke me up and now I cant go back to sleep. I have to leave for work at 8 working until 6.. yee haw!! Ill be ready to drop tonight when I get home. I know you new mothers and you young mothers get less sleep than I do.. I dont remember how I made it thru that period in my life (it has been so long)
Did you read in the OH Magazine about the benifits of special shoes while you walk?? My neice tried to get me to spend 130.00 on a pr.. even in Edenburgh they are only 99 but I just couldnt see spending that kind of money,, glad I didnt.
well going to work. looking forward to the new snow coming tomorrow night.. NOT!! Eat well and stay healthy.
Linda kay

Did you read in the OH Magazine about the benifits of special shoes while you walk?? My neice tried to get me to spend 130.00 on a pr.. even in Edenburgh they are only 99 but I just couldnt see spending that kind of money,, glad I didnt.
well going to work. looking forward to the new snow coming tomorrow night.. NOT!! Eat well and stay healthy.
Linda kay
Good morning All!!!!
I am at work (been here since 7:30) I sure could go back to bed! Students are not here today well not that many and so it is quiet.
My weight loss goals were achieved this week and now I am working on saying goodbye to the 20's and on to the teens! I still have a little bit to go though. I am so glad for my RNY!!! Best decision of my life. I feel so free.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend filled with love.
I am at work (been here since 7:30) I sure could go back to bed! Students are not here today well not that many and so it is quiet.
My weight loss goals were achieved this week and now I am working on saying goodbye to the 20's and on to the teens! I still have a little bit to go though. I am so glad for my RNY!!! Best decision of my life. I feel so free.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend filled with love.
Good Morning All.... Hope everyone is doing fabulous!
I just baked the brownie shell and cake layer for an ice cream cake..... This time I had a little more self control and did NOT lick the spoon when making the brownies (likely because the batter felt like a boulder last time!)....
This week was insane at my office.... I always love finding a mess when someone quits! :0).... So I have been a little stressed... However, had an amazing workout with the trainer.... stepped on the body machine and learned I lost 6 pounds last week! Unreal since I thought I was in a stall!
I weighed at home this morning... out of curiosity.... and I have now lost 70 pounds since surgery!!!!! This is all just AMAZING!! I no longer shop at the plus size store... I can cross my legs... and I LOVE LOVE LOVE wearing dresses!!! My thighs no longer go raw after 2 hours!
Now I am off to celebrate day 1 of my mom's birthday! Then we shall shop!! I still need to finish her cake and the presents... This year I decided to do a gift for each life lesson she has passed on.... and I think I am doing 61... since she is turning 61! It is sooo much fun!
I just realized that was a ramble! Enjoy the day... keep your feet moving because that keeps the scale dropping!
I just baked the brownie shell and cake layer for an ice cream cake..... This time I had a little more self control and did NOT lick the spoon when making the brownies (likely because the batter felt like a boulder last time!)....
This week was insane at my office.... I always love finding a mess when someone quits! :0).... So I have been a little stressed... However, had an amazing workout with the trainer.... stepped on the body machine and learned I lost 6 pounds last week! Unreal since I thought I was in a stall!
I weighed at home this morning... out of curiosity.... and I have now lost 70 pounds since surgery!!!!! This is all just AMAZING!! I no longer shop at the plus size store... I can cross my legs... and I LOVE LOVE LOVE wearing dresses!!! My thighs no longer go raw after 2 hours!
Now I am off to celebrate day 1 of my mom's birthday! Then we shall shop!! I still need to finish her cake and the presents... This year I decided to do a gift for each life lesson she has passed on.... and I think I am doing 61... since she is turning 61! It is sooo much fun!
I just realized that was a ramble! Enjoy the day... keep your feet moving because that keeps the scale dropping!