family doc wont talk surgery yet...
So I went to see my PCP, last week, life has been busy ever since... Any way i figure that because I am a first time patient that he wont talk surgery. He IS sending me to a dietition but i think he wants me to "do this on my own" I tried explaining to him that I have tried and failed countless times. I have taken nutrition courses in College, I have talke to Dr in the past about my "problem" and still he insisted on testing my thyroid, as well as glucose.... I guess since I have not heard from him Im fine! ( I KNEW THAT!!) I was out of town till yesturday, is he setting me up for approval for surgery just not telling me? Im on medicaid, Im just so frustrated! I just want this over with! NO more of this fadd dieting!
Why dont Dr listen to the patients.
Why dont Dr listen to the patients.
I am not very familiar with how medicaid works. Have you tried calling a weight loss center like St Francis or Clarian and see what their requirements are? Maybe you don't have to go through your PCP. It is frustrating when a Dr doesn't listen to you. Maybe try and get a second opinion with a Dr from a different practice or group. I am sorry I don't have the exact answer for you but I hope this helps.
Do you have to have your PCP referral? It stinks if you have one who isn't supportive of WLS. That is very important in my opinion. Maybe you need to search out a WLS friendly doc??
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010
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Check out my WLS blog at:

I have 2 PCPs. 1 from when I was on insurance only, he would be more open to the WLS idea. BUT medicaid assigned me a Dr and he seems not so open to it...though I am going to see a dietition, so maybe he is walking the steps just not telling me where he is leading because he doesnt know what my insurances cover.
I have called the bariatric surgery in carmel. (where my 1st PCP would work out of) and they said I would need a referal. expecially since my primary insurance does not cover WLS.
my medicaid PCP works through St frances So I am hoping that he will after I meet with the dietition make another appointment with me and work with me a little better.
I know you have to "fail" 6 months of dieting, that much I have found in my research for what it is you have to do...but I CAN lose weight as long as I remember to eat, think about what I ate, when I ate and remember to eat again in a decent amount of time. then add workouts too. I just am tired of always thinking about food! and now that I have kids who are becomming active in sports/ballet/girl scouts/swimming...ect. I forget to think about food! the kicker is I am a baker! I work around food for 12 hours a day, still I forget to eat!
srg I am just frustrated. I have an appointment and 2 weeks worth of food journals so MAYBE the dietition will see that my problem is that I forget to eat and not assume that I forgot to write it down!
I have called the bariatric surgery in carmel. (where my 1st PCP would work out of) and they said I would need a referal. expecially since my primary insurance does not cover WLS.
my medicaid PCP works through St frances So I am hoping that he will after I meet with the dietition make another appointment with me and work with me a little better.
I know you have to "fail" 6 months of dieting, that much I have found in my research for what it is you have to do...but I CAN lose weight as long as I remember to eat, think about what I ate, when I ate and remember to eat again in a decent amount of time. then add workouts too. I just am tired of always thinking about food! and now that I have kids who are becomming active in sports/ballet/girl scouts/swimming...ect. I forget to think about food! the kicker is I am a baker! I work around food for 12 hours a day, still I forget to eat!
srg I am just frustrated. I have an appointment and 2 weeks worth of food journals so MAYBE the dietition will see that my problem is that I forget to eat and not assume that I forgot to write it down!